Chapter 2

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The following day, Colora and Frigga begin their lesson. Frigga shuts her chamber door and locks it, so no one interrupts them."Alright, what I'm going to teach you is how to make yourself appear as an illusion," starts Frigga. "Once you're shown as an illusion, the magic will only last until someone touches you." She walks towards Colora and sits down in front of her. "Are you ready to begin?"

Colora nods her head and replies, "Yes."

"Good. Now sit down." Colora sits down in front of Frigga as she is told.

"Close your eyes." Colora closes her eyes.

"Deep breaths." Colora takes deep and slow breaths.

Suddenly, Colora opens her eyes and finds herself on Earth. She wanders down an alley and sees something. As this is happening, Frigga notices Colora responding to something; as if something is frightening her. "Colora? Colora what is it? What do you see?"

Colora's heart is racing and beating harder and harder as she stares at the man who had not only captured her heart but the man she lost a year ago and thought he was dead. "Loki?" she questioned softly. As she walks closer to him, Colora notices that he looks different. His skin is pale; his eyes are dark and sunken as if he hasn't gotten any sleep for days, weeks, maybe even months. But what not only scares Colora but intrigues her is a particular look on his face.

Suddenly, Loki takes a deep breath and uses his scepter to change his surroundings. As this is happening, Colora watches as the building shifts to what looks like a rocky terrain, rocks floating in the air, and stars everywhere. She realizes that they are in space as the illusion of their surrounding is changing. Suddenly an alien who calls himself, "Other," makes himself known to Loki. "The Chitauri grow restless," he states.

"Let them guide themselves," Loki replied. He makes an illusion of himself to the Other with his body armor and helmet on, and the scepter in his hand. "I will lead them in the glorious battle."

"Battle? Against the meager might of Earth?" the Other questions Loki.

Colora walks close to them to listen to their conversation.

"Glorious, not length," Loki replies. "If your force is as formidable as you claim."

Other turns to Loki and questions him, "You question us! You question him?" The Other puts his hand on a rock and uses his other hand to point at him. "He who put the scepter in your hand. Who gave you ancient knowledge a new purpose, when you were cast out. Defeated."

"I was a King!" Loki shouts. "Rightful King of Asgard! Betrayed."

The Other turns away from Loki once more and looks up. He snarls, "Your ambition is little and full of childish needs."

Loki also turns away from him, but he still looks at the Other to listen to him.

"We look beyond the greater worlds, the Tesseract will unveil," the Other added.

"You don't have the Tesseract yet," Loki interrupted. The Other prepares to attack him until Loki puts his hand and the scepter up in front of him. "I don't threaten. But until I open the doors. Until your force is mine to command. You have but words."

"You will have your war, Asgardian," said the Other as he puts his hand down. He then backs away then walks around Loki. As the Other walks behind Loki, Colora walks towards Loki and has tears in her eyes. "If you fail. If the Tesseract, if kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice, where he cannot find you!"

The Other then leans into Loki's ear. "You think you know pain?" Loki sheds a tear. (This catches Colora's attention.) Other slowly put his hand on the side of Loki's face. "He will make you long for something sweet as pain."

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