Chapter 2

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If someone told me 6 years ago, when I was 12, that I would be this sad, I would have laughed in their face. But it was like as soon as I turned 13 thats when that switch was flicked. And even thought I had a good life I still felt sad.

'This is it.'I think as I'm standing by the doorframe of my completely empty room. It looked so plain and boring. All that was left in here was my bed and dressers. I was going to get a new room set at the new house. I felt a slightly warm sensation trail down my cheeks earning a slight shiver from the rest of my body. I sucked in one last breath of this room and shut the door. Let's go start over.

I made my way downstairs hearing the mumble of profanities that was coming from my moms mouth. This was and odd sight from her, she was obviously quite stressed. I switched my gaze to the window and saw my sister engulfed in a group hug with all her friends who were crying. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I looked towards my brother who seemed rather happy. He somehow won the argument with my parents and for some odd reason they are letting him stay in this house in Texas. Yes he is a grown man, but I say give it a week before this whole house is turned upside down. Hell, I bet you it will go up in flames considering he can't cook at all. My eyes glanced across the room one last time. "I'll be waiting in the car." I made my way out the front door passing my sister and her sobbing friends. I offered a quick smile before quickening my pace to the car door. It wasn't long after that when everyone else got into the car and we made our way to Australia.

I slammed the car door shut earning a slight echo. I lifted my head up tucking away the stray bit of hair behind my ear.

I stared at the sight before me my mouth slightly gaping open. I quickly shut it and make way towards the front door. It was breath taking. It was completely modern and something I was totally not used too. It was very.. spacious. "Dad how did you afford this?" I asked grabbing a box from the u-haul that followed us behind the whole way here. " I've been saving up for a while now and well now here we are." he grinned walking in before me. Jesus, he makes it seem like saving money was easy! I would go broke just buying a mcflurry. I shook my head and took the first step in our new house.

I groaned as I threw myself onto the now made up bed that had white bedsheets with fancy black flowers plastered around it. All of my clothes were now unpacked and neatly folded in my black dresser. I sigh in content at how everything around me was now in it's place. It "only" took 4 hours. I feel the bedsheets around for my phone and feeling my fingertips graze across my black otter box. Let's just say I'm not a very careful person. I clicked the home button watching the screen light up to a simple picture of a saying that read "stop thinking so hard about everything, stopover analyzing. Just go. Just do. If it feels right, just go with the flow. If it feels wrong don't think about it anymore. Just walk away." unfortunately i don't know who wrote that but it was something that inspired me. after reading the time I decided to change out of my black skinny jeans into black sweatpants. I left my simple black v-neck on and slipped on my shoes again.

"i'm going for a walk." I called through the house. I heard no response but I left anyways. I figured it's time to find another escape route. Basically my new hideout. I shove my hands into my pockets and look around. The only light was from the streetlights, as it was night time. I passed a couple of joggers and a park. However a park as a hideout had too many people. But then again at night it would be empty right? I sighed and turned back around making my way back towards the park.

I let out a yawn as I sat down on a bench. Jet lag is catching up to me. Or would it be called car-lagged considering we drove? Who knows. My thoughts were always random and I always chose to sort through the dark ones at night, but they were the same thoughts over and over. "Why am I so alone" I shut my eyes and threw my head back inhaling a deep breath of the freshly cut grass, a smell that I had always enjoyed. I snapped back into reality as I felt gush of wind accompanied by the leaves of the trees rubbing back and fourth like they were at war with each other. All of them fighting to stay on the tree. Possibly even holding on for dear life. I looked straight ahead at a rabbit that happened to be sitting down on the grass. I stood up from my seat and made my way towards it only for it to hop away. "Hey, come back here." I followed closely behind the rabbit as it led me off into the woods. I heard the twigs snap as my foot came in contact with them but I didn't care. The rabbit finally came to a halt picking up something from the ground and hopped off into the distance. I figured it was time to get back now before my parents thought I was dead. I took two steps forward before feeling a deep gush of wind, sending a shiver through my spine. I took one last glance around before ignoring the cold feeling. I started making my way up the hill resulting in me getting out of breath because, well I'm out of shape. I felt the leaves of branches brush against my arm as my feet carried me out of the woods and finally back at the park.

I shut the door behind me, locking it and making my way upstairs. I stayed in my sweats and shirt and pulled back the blanket that laid on my bed completely messing up the crisp look i had when i left. I let my eyelids shut and letting my slumber consume me.


It's 5:30 am and I need to wake up in 6 hours... help. ANYWaY I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Luke will come in SOON MAYBE EVEN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! I love you all! goodnight!

Eat a fruit cup while reading this.

SOTW: Hurricane ~ Hasley

Falling Into You. (Luke Hemmings )Where stories live. Discover now