A New Friend

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Ghost rushed to the window, eyes darting out looking for a sign of Iris. When he saw no movement, he ran down stairs as he grabbed a shirt of hers with Riley behind him. "Iris is gone." He said panicked as he rushed towards the living room and out the door. Soap, Gaz and Price followed without a second thought. "Riley track your fucking mother." Ghost said through his teeth under his breath as he held the T-shirt out for Riley. After sniffing for a moment, Riley turned and sprinted into the tree line ahead of the house. The team followed Riley as he tracked Iris, stopping to sniff every so often. "Why would she run off?" Gaz asked with a ragged breath. "Gee, I wonder." Soap said sarcastically. "Soap that's not helping." Ghost snapped at him. "Sorry Lt., just you're so god damn stubborn." "So I've been told." Ghost said as he turned to follow Riley.

Iris ran freely, smiling and leaping from tree to tree to put more distance behind her. Her eyes focused on a spot in the distance, blue ripples that shimmered lightly on the top. Iris beamed as she realized she was eyeing her destination. Her pace increased and she arrived at the lake Price had told her about. She smiled as she stared at the tiny waves that formed from the breeze in the cold air. On the shore line, Iris bent down, running her hands through the impossibly cold water. Her smile widened slightly, the feeling of the water relaxed her just as the rain did. It was quiet, too cold for anyone to be here. The wind blew through her hair, sending a chill over her skin. The smell of the lake and the forestation around her filled her senses. She was so lost in her trance, she didn't hear someone approaching behind her.

"Where the fuck could she have gone?" Ghost said frustratedly. "She only knows the house and the area surrounding it." Soap responded as he shook his head. "Wait, I was telling her about the lake that's near here. She might've gone there?" Price suggested. "It's something." Ghost said as he picked up his pace, Riley barking as he kept up with him. "How far is it?" Gaz asked. "I'm not sure," Price sighed, "Probably a mile or two." he guessed. "Fuck..." Ghost said growing more frustrated. "We'll get her, Lt." Soap assured.

"Who are you?" Iris asked offensively, keeping her distance as the strange man approached her. "I'm a friend." he said with his hands up. "You don't smell like a friend." she spat out as her eyes darkened. "Well I am. No need to get defensive." Iris looked him up and down, hesitant to let him near her. Iris tried to read his mind but couldn't and it confused her. He took a step towards her, but she kept the distance between them as she took a step back. "Come on now, I won't hurt you." His tone was deceitfully light. "Get away from me." she demanded. Iris noticed movement behind him. In the distance she saw the team approaching in the far distance with Riley. While her heart smiled, she kept a scowled expression as she looked at the man in front of her. "Alright I'll go, but we'll see each other again. And soon." The last words sounded like a threat. The man walked away, leaving Iris standing there, still guarded.

The team was running to the lake with Riley, spotting the water from a ways away. Ghost spotted the small bit of water in the distance, putting some ease in his chest. He moved as fast as his feet could carry him, His eyes scanned the trees, looking for any sign of Iris. He spotted a small glimpse of what might be a face through the trees, his body and mind convinced it was Iris. As they grew closer, the trees seemed to thin out, exposing Iris facing them. "I see her!" Soap shouted.

Iris focused back on the team as they grew closer. She wanted to run towards them, but hesitated when she saw Ghost. He's going to be angry with me. She turned away from them, facing the water. After waiting for what felt like an agonizing lifetime, the footsteps grew louder in her ears along with Riley's barks and whines. When the steps felt like they were behind her she turned around. The team was close enough she could see relief across their faces, but of course, Ghost's expression was hidden beneath his mask. Nervousness grew in her chest as they slowed down, and approached her slowly. The only one that didn't slow their pace was Riley. He ran at her excitedly, "Hi boy!" She said returning his excitement. He jumped up repeatedly as she ruffled his fur. She looked up and saw Ghost walking towards her quickly with the team behind him.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now