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Konig walked towards them with such darkness in his eyes, it briefly shook Gaz and Soap to their core. They let go of Ghost, making him fall to his knees still groaning in immense pain. The two men quickly stood and drew their weapons, pointing them at Konig, "Take it easy, big boy." Soap said angrily, pushing the fear he felt away. Gaz reached for Ghost, barely grasping his vest that was loosened on his torso and tried to pull him to his feet but his body weight was far too heavy. "Fuck," Gaz hissed, keeping his eyes on Konig and bent down to help Ghost to his feet. 

Iris hissed as she moved, feeling pain in her ribs crack. She looked up at Konig, "Koing, don't!" she shouted as she stood up, stumbling and falling against the wall that she was thrown against. "Iris, this wouldn't have happened if you just agreed to leave with me." Konig said loudly as he gestured towards Ghost. "What are you doing to him?!" Gaz shouted as he held Ghost up. Konig exhaled a low laugh, "Oh, you didn't tell them Iris?" he asked as he kept getting closer. Soap and Gaz backed away from him, getting closer to Iris. "What's he on about Iris?" Soap demanded without turning around, keeping his weapon pointed at Konig. "I-I don't kn-" she started but Konig cut her off, "Don't fucking lie!" he spat out. 

Iris stood up to help Gaz with Ghost. His once loud, ear shattering groans now turned low and guttural as his body shook violently. Konig shook his head, "If you don't want to tell them, I will." Konig paused and stopped approaching them. "Iris mixed her blood with Ghost's. I only activated this curse when I mixed in my own, bonding us for as long as we live." Soap glanced back at Iris with anger in his eyes, keeping his barrel up, "Iris, what the fuck? Tell me he's lying." he shouted. Iris shook her head, "I didn't- I couldn't- I didn't think-" she couldn't explain her reasonings. Her eyes met Konig's, begging for an explanation. "You don't understand it yet do you, Iris?" He laughed once more, "We could do many marvelous things, rule these pathetic people." Soap fired his fire bullet and it hit Konig's chest, sending him back a few steps. Konig looked down at his chest as the blood began to stain his shirt. He looked back at Soap and laughed once more, "Your bullets have no affect on me, Soap." Eyes wide, Soap fired again, and again, until the magazine was empty. Ridden with bullets and covered with blood, Konig shook his head and began walking again. "I just want Iris, and I'll go." 

Ghost was nearly passed out as Gaz and Iris struggled to keep Ghost standing. "We have to get him out of here," Iris said. "No, Iris. You stay here, we'll get him out of 'ere." Soap said with a hateful tone. "Fight off your fuckin' pet." Gaz added with the same hateful tone. Soap pushed Iris away and took her place to hold Ghost up. "Soap, I can help." Iris begged. "Ir- Iris," Ghost said with a struggled breath. "You've done enough." Soap gave Iris a heinous look. "Come on," he said as he guided Ghost away with Gaz's assistance. 

Iris watched the Soap and Gaz carry away the man who meant the most to her and suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked to the hand and followed the arm that was covered in blood to see it attached to Konig. "Come with me, Meine Liebe." he said softly, his eyes still dark. Iris shook her head gently, "K-Konig, I belong here." her voice cracked as her eyes settled on Ghost, Soap and Gaz. "No you don't." he said smoothly. He pulled her back. She fought weakly but Konig wrapped his arms around her picking her up from the ground and took off running. 

Soap and Gaz rushed Ghost to the med bay, shouting for doctors and nurses to help him. They laid him on the bed. Ghost's black eyes fluttered as he struggled to stay conscious. He still groaned from the pain but as time passed they grew weaker. "What happened?" a woman in scrubs asked as she rushed to the bedside. "I-I don't know," Soap shook his head as he stuttered, "His blood is tainted," Gaz finished for Soap. "With what?" the nurse asked as more people in scrubs gathered. "Get Captain Price in here now!" Gaz demanded before Soap could answer. A nurse tried to insert an IV and the simple prick sent Ghost into a rage filled frenzy. He thrashed around violently, pushing and kicking the staff that surrounded his bed away from him. The noises that came from him wasn't human, and he didn't look human either. The nurses tried to talk and restrain him, but they were overpowered effortlessly as Ghost continued to shove them. "Simon!" Soap shouted, approaching his bed carefully. "Sergeant, get back!" Soap heard behind him. When he turned, he saw Price standing with armed men behind him. "Price, don't-" Soap tried but Price interrupted him, "I said get back, Soap!" he demanded once more. 

When Ghost heard Price's voice he stopped his violent fit. His chest heaved violently as the adrenaline pulsed through his veins. Without warning, a soldier behind Price fired a shot and it hit Ghost in the chest. Ghost looked down at his chest, the hole in his chest had a steady flow of blood escaping it. "Price," Ghost said with a raspy tone and passed out, falling back into the bed with a loud thud. As the chaos and emotions settled, Price, Soap, and Gaz carefully stepped closer. "Get your asses out of 'ere." Price demanded towards the nurses. After the last nurse left, the three men stood around Ghost with armed guards at the door. "What happened?" Price asked with an impatient tone. "Not entirely sure," Gaz started. "He was walking and collapsed, thought he was having an episode, or something medical. But his eyes-" Soap added. "What about them?" Price snapped. "They're like Iris'." Gaz said with a low tone. Price turned to Gaz, "What?" the disbelief in his tone was mixed with anger. "This is exactly why she wasn't supposed to feed on him!" he shouted, making Soap and Gaz internally flinch at the pitch of his tone. 

Iris was in a daze as Konig carried her through an unknown forest. Tears were still in her eyes as the compound disappeared from her sight. The pain in her chest was now dull, dispersing the further she was from Ghost. She suddenly came back to reality and began to fight Konig off, "Let me go!" she shouted as she thrashed in his arms, trying to hit him as hard as she could. After a few hits, Konig grew annoyed and stopped on the edge of the forest. When he stopped, he let her fall to the ground. When she hit the ground, she immediately stood back up and tried to go back to the compound but Konig stopped her effortlessly. "Iris, don't fight this." he said coldly. "Fight what?! You think I'd ever feel a fraction of what I feel for him, for you?" her tone was full of hatred. Konig grew impatient once more and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off her feet. She kicked hard, trying to make contact with any part of Konig but if she came close, he squeezed harder, "You forget I feel your emotions, mein Haustier." he grabbed the bottom of his sniper hood and lifted it, slipping it off over his head. Iris froze at the sight of him. 

His lightly tanned skin was flawless despite the stubble on his chin. His eyes were a piercing midnight with subtle dark green behind his long lashes. His dark brown eyebrows were furrowed as he stared back at her. His short brown hair was parted on the side and combed down messily. His lips turned to a small grin, "Easier to submit to the idea now, isn't it?" he said with a cocky tone. 

Ghost's chest rose and fell but it was barely noticeable as Soap and Gaz restrained his limbs. "Give him this each time he wakes up, just like Konig." he demanded towards the nurses. "Soap, Gaz," he said sharply as he walked out of the room. "Sir," Soap said lowly as he followed Price. "We need to find Konig, NOW. Maybe he can help-" "Don't bother," Soap said sharply, "He left and took Iris with him." Price stopped walking and turned towards Soap, "What the fuck are you talking about?" he said coldly. "Lt. is like that because of her." Gaz said with a cold tone. Price looked to Soap for an explanation. "He's not like because Iris fed off of him, she mixed her blood with his. Konig said she didn't mix enough, so he added some of his and finished him off." Soap finished. "Why did he take Iris?" Price asked. Soap and Gaz shrugged, "Not sure," Gaz started, "Be his vampire queen more than likely." Soap said with a bitter tone. Gaz nudged Soap, "Think you're being too hard on 'er." he said. "It's her fault Lt.'s almost dead." Soap snapped. "You were an ass to her too." Gaz tried to respond but Price interrupted, "We need to find them now. Meet me in the infirmary in 10." he demanded as he walked away. 

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now