New Papa

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*This chapter has been rewritten. The original gave me the heebie geebies and I hated it to be honest. Hope you enjoy this version. :) 

Ghost leaped up quickly from the porch, grabbing the phone from Iris, "Uh, n-nothing. I don't- I don't know why that's on there." he stuttered as he lied. Iris tilted her head, "You're lying." she said above a whisper. Ghost put his phone back in his pocket quickly, "Iris, it's nothing. Drop it, please?" he begged as he shook his head. Iris glared at Ghost feeling unsure, "Okay..." there was a short moment of relief for Ghost before Iris sprinted inside imossibly fast, leaving him confused as his mind took a moment to comprehend she was gone. "Soap!" Iris shouted as she rushed through the house. She turned to see Ghost rushing in through the front door, "Iris, don't!" he barked, his tone filling with frustration. "Then tell me what it is, or I'll ask Soap." she said smugly. Ghost sighed frustratedly, "Fine," he said sharply through his teeth. He walked towards her, grabbing her arm and pulling her to his room. Iris looked around the somewhat clean room, smirking to herself before turning to Ghost with a serious expression and her arms crossed. Ghost shut the door behind him, and took a deep breath as he looked at Iris, almost glaring at her. "Alright, so-" Ghost struggled to find the right way to explain what was on his phone. "When a-a man gets- uh, well it doesn't have to be a man and woman, it can be a man and a-a man," he shook his head, feeling uneasy for reasons he didn't know, "See, when a couple want to, well they don't have to be a couple, I guess-" Ghost paused again. Iris was growing impatient, "Ghost, just tell me what it is." she said sharply. "Iris this isn't easy to explain." he said, still frustrated. Iris relaxed her arms, putting her hands up in defeat. "I'm sorry, I'm listening." she apologized as she smiled softly. Ghost sighed once more and began explaining what was on his phone.

Iris lowered herself to Ghost's bed slowly, sitting down as her mind was going wild as Ghost finished talking. "I have so many questions." she whispered, her eyes wide in wonder. "Please don't ask them." Ghost begged above a whisper. "No, I know what that is, papa and mama told me about it but they told me it was bad and to never do it. But why?" she asked. Ghost felt relief bloom over his chest, but also felt confused, "I don't know, Iris. Wait, why did I just explain all that?" he asked but his question went unanswered. "I never realized that's what it looked like. Why is it in a video?" she asked timidly. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Ghost pulled his mask off and tossed it to the floor, "I need some water." Ghost said sharply before leaving the room. After a moment he came back, drinking the water quickly. As he closed the door, Iris looked up at him, "Have you done it?" Iris asked suddenly. Ghost choked and spit his water out, "What?" he asked as he wiped the water from his chin. "Have you, uh," Iris stumbled over her words before Ghost stopped her. "No, I heard what you said, it's just a personal question Iris." Ghost responded. "Oh, sorry." Ghost shook his head, "It's alright, that's just not something we should talk about until you've matured more."

Two Nights later

The last few days went on as usual, lessons and fun little adventures that stayed on the grounds of the safe house. Iris hadn't brought up the topic of sex again. Stars and Planets were nearly always the topic of her discussions. She taught herself many things about the solar system with her phone. The team only gave her lessons on the boring stuff. There was still no word from Laswell on the mysterious man that Iris had met in the forest but they didn't have much to go off of.

The team was scattered throughout the house with Riley in the living room. Ghost walked out of his room, looking for Riley after growing impatient over his whining. He approached Riley, "Need to go out?" he asked, noticing Riley's ears were perked up and whined once more. Ghost furrowed his brows and looked out the window. "Johnny," Ghost said as he walked to the front door. Soap followed Ghost outside from the kitchen. While standing on the porch, they noticed Iris wasn't in sight. "Where's Iris?" Soap asked, confused yet on guard. "I don't know. Riley!" he called out. Riley appeared between Soap and Ghost, with Price and Gaz walking out as well. "What's going on?" Gaz said as he noticed how eerily quiet it had been. "Simon," Price said under his breath. Ghost glanced at Price who was eyeing the tree line. "'nother bear?" Soap asked. Ghost shook his head, "No, it's too quiet. Iris?" he called out. There was no answer. Soap hesitantly pulled his gun from his waistband, "Easy, Johnny." Ghost said quietly as he held his hand up to Soap. "Iris!" Soap called out once more. Ghost walked to the end of the porch where he swore Iris had been and looked around. He traced the ground, spotting her phone under the chair that sat there. "Fuckin' hell, IRIS!" He shouted as he pulled his gun from his belt.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now