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Ghost opened the door to see Soap standing there, "Hey Lt. Have you seen Iris?" he asked. "Uh yeah," Ghost looked behind him, and turned back to Soap. He motioned for him to come in. Ghost closed the door behind him, "Hey Iris!" he said loudly. "Hi, Soap." Iris smiled. "What you two doing?" he asked cluelessly. Ghost and Iris looked at him with a look that was only obvious after a few seconds. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." he laughed, "I just came from Price's office and he said that big ol' bastard is waking up. He's gonna put him on the team if he acts right." he said with a smile. "What?" Ghost asked, his tone annoyed. "That's good, isn't it?" Soap asked confused. Ghost shook his head, "Uh, I guess but I'd just- Well-" Ghost tried but Iris interrupted, "It's great, Soap." she said as she looked at Ghost with an unapproving look.

I: What the hell is wrong with you?

G: Nothing.

I: Don't lie to me, Simon.

G: I'm not. 

Iris gave him another look as she cocked her head. She quickly searched his feelings, finding his jealously tucked away. 

I: I thought you weren't jealous of König?

G: I'm not.

I: Simon.

"If you two are doing that talking in yer heads, it's fuckin' weird. I'll see you guys later. Use protection. Don't need little demon Ghost's running around." Soap said as he turned to walk out of the room, but not before Ghost slapped the back of his head. "Aye, fucker." Soap cursed as Ghost shut the door. "I'm not jealous of that tree with legs." he said coldly. "Simon, I can feel your emotions. For the last time, stop lying to me. It's literally useless." Ghost sighed and rolled his eyes, "Iris-" he tried before Iris held a hand up, "Please, Simon." she said softly. "Alright, I'm a little jealous." Ghost said above a whisper. "Why?" she asked. Ghost didn't answer at first, feeling stupid over the smallest thing. "Because you two were living together while I was out there, waiting..." his words fell. Iris stood and walked towards him. As she closed the space between them, she glided her hands over his chest and locked her fingers together behind his neck, "Simon, I don't have those type of feelings for König." she assured. Ghost looked down at her, his eyes soft. "I want to believe you, Iris-" "I know you've been betrayed and hurt, Simon. But I would never. Here," she placed a hand over his chest. He suddenly felt unfamiliar emotions. They felt exactly like his but they vibrated differently. There was sadness that felt sharper, happiness that felt warmer and another feeling he couldn't pinpoint, but it felt like smooth, warm waves flowing through his veins. The feeling felt like a fire in the middle of winter when you've been outside for too long. Like your bed after the longest day of your life. It was comforting and serene, something he wasn't familiar with at all until now. "That's what I feel for you." she said, her eyes reminded him of the clearest night sky. "Can you feel what I do for you?" Ghost asked. "Our feelings are the same, Simon." she smiled. He leaned down and kissed Iris gently, finally feeling all uncertainty leave his body. He put his hands on her face, keeping her in place as he felt her love for him swirl in his chest. 

Iris' smile trembled as she looked at him. Ghost effortlessly picked her up, walked to the bed and laid her down gently. He hovered over her, admiring her celestial features as he caressed her face. He lowered himself to kiss her once more. Their overwhelming desire for one another took over, lips moving feverishly. Iris felt the fire spreading slowly through her body as Ghost's hands explored her body, gliding from her neck to her waist. His hand slipped under her shirt, his fingertips floating over her skin as tiny bumps formed under them. She squirmed slightly, subtle moans escaping her throat. The small noises from Iris sparked the frenzy that was being fought off by Ghost. He pulled her to sit, grabbing the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head quickly. As she laid back down, Ghost's fingers slid under the waistband of her pants, tugging at them steadily. He unbuttoned them without difficulty. She lifted her hips as he tugged them to her knees, pulling them off swiftly and tossed them aside. His lips met the skin of her collarbone, taking his time as he kissed down her torso. Iris felt the pooling euphoria between her thighs, her breathing was harsh yet quiet. He held her waist to keep her still, the tips of his fingers digging into her enticingly. Ghost gently slid the black lace that was covering her off, letting them fall to the floor behind him. He kissed the bare skin above her core, making her squirm impatiently. Her hips swayed, trying to get his lips where she desperately needed them to be. He exhaled a low laugh at the effect he had on her. He slowly kissed to her core, his tongue slipping through her slit. Iris' head fell into the bed harshly as she held Ghost's head between her thighs. His tongue glided over her clit, his quiet groans vibrating against he subtly. The frenzy inside him was growing impatient for release, he pulled away and put his face near hers once more. He kissed her intensely, the taste of her still on his lips. Iris kept her eyes in his, as he positioned himself outside her core, slowly sliding inside her. "Fuck, I've missed you." Ghost said lowly through his teeth. Her eyes fluttered, feeling herself stretch around him. He started slow, but the sensation of her around him became overwhelming. His movements became almost desperate, thrusting faster and harder, the echoes of the moans escaping her filling the room as her body jolted harshly. Pain and pleasure danced together deliciously as Ghost pounded ruthlessly into her. Iris' eyes fluttered intensely at the sensation she felt in her core. Ghost slammed into her without caution, trying to contain the enticing burning in his core from erupting. Without warning or difficulty, Ghost pulled out and flipped Iris on her stomach, pulling her hips off the bed. He pushed her arch to the bed, making her stick her ass in the air as he adjusted outside her pussy once more. He pulled her back forcibly by the hips as he pushed his cock deep inside of her. She let out a loud whimper from the mix of pleasure and pain. Ghost leaned down to her ear, "Shh," he hushed her before sitting back up and started thrusting once more. "Fuck..." he said through a harsh breath. Fire began to pool in her core intensely; her skin felt like fire as he fucked her closer to releasing. Iris bit her lip hard to contain the moans that threatened to escape, unknowingly splitting her lip a little as she did. Ghost raked his fingers through her hair, pulling back firmly. She looked up at him with wide, desperate eyes as he wiped the small spot of blood from her lip, sucking it away as she watched intently. Iris' eyes widened and rolled, his cock hitting a different spot inside her. His fingers wrapped around her throat, cutting her air off. "Simon..." she coughed as he squeezed her throat more, hitching her moans. "Come for me, princess." He demanded as he thrusted harder and faster. The nape of her neck felt the addicting blooming that felt like fire as it erupted, spreading over her body, and ending in her core. Ghost felt Iris pulse violently around him as she released. Ghost tightened his grip around her throat, drawing out the euphoria as her legs twitched. Seeing her release, brought him closer to his euphoric release. He pulled out of her, and tried to lay her on his back but she quickly had Ghost on his back on the bed. She climbed on top of him, holding his hard cock in her hand and positioned herself over him and lowered herself down on her. She heard a low groan. After slightly adjusting, she began rolling her hips quickly. The sensation that vibrated through Ghost felt ethereal. His head fell to the bed, his vision began to turn white as he watched her. Iris quickened her pace as he felt her tighten around him as she bucked her hips. His fingers dug into her hips, unable to let any groans that grew in his throat escape. The sublime hit him like a freight train. His cock twitched as he filled her throbbing pussy as her movement didn't alter. His breathing was chaotic and deep as he still laid under her. 

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now