A New Hope

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Iris had fallen asleep after a painful experiment, or maybe she passed out. She wasn't sure. She dreamed of the boys and Riley; they had stormed the facility Makarov kept her. Ghost scooped her up and apologized for taking so long, Riley stood by them barking with excitement. Soap, Gaz and Price had followed them out, making sure no one else hurt her. All apologizing as well, expressing how much they had missed her. As they reached the doors of the facility, she was ripped out of her dream and pulled back into her nightmare reality. The loud door to her room, rather her enclosure, opened swiftly with Makarov standing in the doorway. She looked away from him, not wanting to deal with reality, letting her mind take her away once more. Though she tried to escape, Makarov made it difficult, "Good morning, Iris." he said with poison in his tone. She didn't respond, only kept her eyes averted. "Today's going to be easy for you." His accent made her stomach turn, hating that something she once thought was a beautiful thing. After a moment, she felt a needle enter her arm. Though it was painful at first, she'd grown used to needles all too well.

After taking a majority of her blood, Makarov did what he always did; beat her relentlessly so she'd stay weak. Once the attack was over, Iris was bloody and bruised more than she was when she woke up. She coughed up blood from the punches to her ribs and stomach. Her eyes burned for her to cry but she was empty. Makarov turned to the man standing behind him, wearing a long white coat that was similar to the ones Mama and Papa wore. "Take this and transfer it to König." He turned back to Iris, "We have great use for your blood." he said menacingly.

The man walked down the hall to König, a member of Makarov's team, who had been on the brink of death. The blood was meant to transform him to be just like Iris. Makarov didn't want one of his best to go to waste from a stupid mistake of one of the new recruits. König laid restrained on a bed similar to Iris', bloody and wounded beyond repair. Breathing heavily from the shock and pain. The man in the white coat mixed her blood with his in through his IV and waited. After a moment, König began seizing, guttural groans filling the room as they echoed off the walls.

Just as the seizing started, it stopped quickly. His heartbeat was low, barely read by the heart monitor. But the man in the white coat noticed the bleeding had stopped, and his wounds looked as if they were healing. "Quicker than we thought." he said out loud with an accomplished grin on his face. He looked down at König and went pale. König's eyes were black and crazed as they darted to look into his eyes. "König," before he could say more, König snapped the restraints and attacked the man. After nearly tearing the man to pieces, he drank a majority of his blood. The wounds across his body were barely papercuts now. König looked towards the open door and leaped, looking for more blood to quench the new wild thirst he had acquired.

A bloody massacre had been left behind as König made his way through the facility. Sirens and alarms were blaring through the building, causing Makarov and a few of his best to hunt him down. They highly misjudged König's deceiving thirst and left Iris to die instead of them. Idiotic on their part. As König reached Iris' room, he almost attacked when he felt his eyes soften, as if something else took over him. He looked at Iris, who faced away from him. König approached slowly, keeping his eyes on her. His mind felt as if it vibrated and heard a name cross his mind, "Iris?" he said quietly.

The unfamiliar voice somehow felt familiar, her mind telling her she knew him. When she turned she was met with the same eyes she had, black and cold. A name appeared on the tip of her tongue, "König?" she whispered. The man nodded softly, his face covered with a sniper hood. "Yes," he whispered once more. He reached down, freeing her limbs from her restraints. "I won't hurt you." he said as he noticed she was guarded. She sat up, looking at him curiously. "How," she cleared her sore throat, "how did they-" "They gave me your blood." König interrupted. Iris nodded. "We need to go, Makarov is on his way with his men with high powered weapons." König said quickly as he saw some type of vision of them walking down a hallway.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now