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From the night sky to the galaxies far, far away; it all had danced beautifully in unison as if Ghost and Iris had controlled from one end of the universe to the other. Hot electricity sizzled through their veins like the night sky had done those nights in Washington when Iris would sit on the porch watching the enormous flickers of white light up the night sky; Iris was the lightning, and Ghost was the dark night sky.

Ghost placed a gentle hand on Iris' cheek, drawing a ragged breath from her. After a moment that felt like a lifetime, Ghost pulled his lips from hers, keeping his face close to hers. Iris' breathing was chaotic as she looked up at Ghost, their eyes searching for a reaction from the other. Their minds were in blissful anarchy as the emotions they had felt in that moment flew by like cars on a racetrack. 

Iris' eyes darted left to right as she looked at Ghost, her brows lightly furrowed. The quiet had become agony, both wanting to say something but neither finding the right thing to say; nothing seemed to be enough to explain what they had truly felt in the moment. Fear, euphoria, passion, unease, liberating... The list became longer as they searched for an answer in the other. Iris' eyes held every emotion Ghost had learned to hide. His emotions were her favorite book that she couldn't read over and over enough. Keeping her emotions safe turned into his entire purpose in the moment his lips touched her. 

I: It's about time. 

Ghost exhaled a laugh through his nose. He stroked her cheek with his thumb as he admired her features. 

G: What am I going to do with you? 

Iris shrugged her shoulders as she shook her head gently. Ghost kissed her forehead, and relaxed into the bed, pulling Iris in closer to him once more. 

I: Simon? 

G: ...

I: What will happen to the safe house?

G: I'm not sure, but I think they're tear it completely down. It's pretty fucked up. 

I: Oh...

Ghost noticed the change in Iris' demeanor and sat up. "What's wrong?" he asked. Iris sat up on her elbows, "I don't want them to tear it down..." she said with a sad tone. "How come?" Iris sighed, "It's where we spent a lot of time, we have a lot of great memories there." Iris responded with tears forming in her eyes. "Yeah, we've had a lot of good times." Ghost said as he thought of all the memories. "What's your favorite?" Iris asked as her frown turned to a small grin. Ghost sighed, "Well," one memory came to mind almost instantly. "When we got you that telescope. You were so interested in the planets." He smiled as he remembered Iris' childlike awe when she looked into the eye piece to search the night sky. "Why is that your favorite?" Iris wondered. "I liked seeing you do something that you loved so much." He responded. Iris smiled, feeling her emotions soar. "Now you tell me your favorite memory." Ghost playfully demanded. "Uh," Iris thought to herself, "Honestly, all of them are important to me." Ghost's face dropped, "No, come on, tell me one." he nudged her gently. Iris laughed, "Alright, alright. Probably when Riley joined us." she responded as he reached down for Riley. He happily walked over to meet her hand, and she pet him softly. "Yeah, you two were inseparable." Ghost said as he reached over Iris to pet Riley. "Well he is my favorite." Iris said with a sly grin. "Oh is he?" Ghost asked with his eyebrows raised, his tone sounding offended. Iris' laughed too loudly, and Ghost shushed her as he laughed with her.

I: Alright, he's tied with you I guess. 

G: You guess?

Iris nodded as she smiled.

G: I guess I'll take a tie, for now.

I: Good.

Ghost yawned into his arm, and shook his head. "Go to sleep," Iris said above a whisper. Ghost nodded and kissed Iris gently. "Keep your bestie over there quiet." he said after pulling away. Iris laughed quietly. "I'll try." Iris responded as she eased herself between Ghost's awaiting arms and pulled her close. Iris continued to pet Riley as he laid his head on the bed. His eyes looked tired as well. My sleepy boys. She smiled, feeling such content as she laid with her two favorite beings. She felt her eyes getting heavy as she laid there. After a bit, Riley yawned and laid down next to the bed on the floor. Iris let herself lose the fight to sleep, and slipped away into the first peaceful sleep she had in a long time. 

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now