CHAPTER 31 With Jalal

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Kaltoom's pov

It's been 3 months since that life changing phone call with Adyan

Yes life changing because two weeks after that phone call when I almost thought he only blabbed, I received news that his parents were coming for the "Gaisuwa"

I was shocked, yes I was disappointed when I didn't heard anything but I wasn't expecting it will actually happen... You know like unbelievable?

Well it did, Alot have happened in this three months... Jalal, you remember him the guy from school who had a crush on Laila well he finally summoned up the courage to tell her how he feels about her.

She played hard to get at first but his charms where too strong, I totally ship them...

Talking about ships, I dont really know what's going on between Farouk and Amani but I'm still trying to figure out, I mean when I feel like they like each other they make it obvious that "Mutunci neh kawai". .

I'm so confused about them and thinking about it gives me headache so I'm just not gonna think about it too much we'd surely find out right?

Khalid was back two weeks ago and Maimoona didn't tag along with him this time.

But she promised she'd come later, before my wedding which wasn't even yet fixed.

And let's talk about us, I and Adyan have gotten Alot closer like Alot!

So much that I couldn't go 3 hours without hearing from him

Amani and Laila think it's pathetic but I don't care!

I've gotten to know him more and I think he's a very..... Interesting guy and he's really cool too, let's not go to looks cause I already swoon the first day we met.

I've also learned to Love him more even though I haven't mustered the courage to say it meanwhile he was doing that the most.

I was brought back from my train of thought when I felt a cold liquid against my chin, it was Laila she pressed the bottle of cold Soda she  was sipping on to my face,

"What the butt Laila, Amani you watch her try to freeze me to death" I complained rubbing my chin

"Tell us what you were thinking that you were smiling so sheepishly about" Amani said

I feigned hurt trying to hide my blush

" Of course it must be about my brother, thats all she does these days"  Laila said

"Oh please like you aren't the one who's always with Jalal Ignoring our existence" I defended

"Yes and I'm left to my single self, Allah when? Send down a miracle to your servant" Amani said like the drama queen she was

"Oh please spear us don't think I don't know whats going on with you and Farouk...." I didn't let Laila finished cause I asked what it was...

And that's how I learnt she and Farouk low key make calls and chat Wow!!! Betrayal of the year award should definitely go to Amani

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