one- past

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TW: This chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual activities... yes already. No, I don't do slow burns. Enjoy.


Brooklyn Steel
Brooklyn, NY, USA

"Oh my gosh! Those are adorable!" Lydia had squealed the second she stepped backstage and saw the expertly labeled blazers the trio wore

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"Oh my gosh! Those are adorable!" Lydia had squealed the second she stepped backstage and saw the expertly labeled blazers the trio wore. Brooklyn Steel was an unassuming looking warehouse located on 319 Frost Street in Brooklyn, New York, in fact whenever she had arrived her first thought was that she had been lured into a trap by the looks of it. Though upon stepping inside it was very aptly named, and very much worthy of its name.

"Ellie! You made it!" Lucy exclaimed with a red painted grin as her hug practically swept the much shorter redhead off of her feet.

"Yeah, at first I kind of thought you lured me to a serial killer's hide-out spot." She laughed as she promptly sat down her violin case before she could drop it.

"Well maybe we did, can never be too careful these days, right?" A girl with shoulder length silver hair that looked like it was hanging on by a thread stood not too far away. A blazer marked with the silver letters PB on either side of the lapels, decorated in various constellations, planets, and shining stars, all seeming to outshine the rocket stamped off to the side.

"Sheesh, Pheebs, don't scare her away already." Lucy replied with a roll of her eyes as she finally felt her feet touching the ground again. Lucy's blazer was the one that stood out, which never surprised Lydia because she always seemed to be the one to want to stand out. Her bold dresses which always seemed to fit in with Lydia's more... unconventional wardrobe. A bright gold L & D were stamped on either side of her lapel complete with hands reaching up towards two gold teeth. Lucy was the only one that seemed to actually play with gold.

Nevertheless the one that seemed to draw her in the most... was Julien's- wolves howling up at moons of different phases. The lapel marked with her initials as they all were. The headliner of the evening yet from what she had heard of her so far she seemed to be the type that would bristle the moment you did call her as such. She was quiet. She hadn't said a word. Drawn into herself more than anything as she silently approached the gathering group around the redhead. Almost seeming to sag in relief whenever Lydia acknowledged her first, whipping around to face her with a wide grin. "And you must be Julien. I'm Lydia. Lydia Noelle, sorry, Lucy likes to call me Ellie for some reason." She explained with a chuckle, immediately bypassing the handshake as she tossed her arms around the girl.

"Hey- oh my- hi." She chuckled a bit at the sudden hug, letting her arms squeeze around her waist which nearly made her shiver.

"Lydia Noelle? What are you parents like obsessed with Christmas or something?" The platinum blonde, Phoebe, wondered with a snicker causing Lydia to laugh a bit to herself.

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