four- past

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Don't know how much I feel this chapter either. I have been mildly sick/super distracted as well so if there are errors in this chapter I accidentally skipped over while I was editing please let me know so I can fix it! 😬😭 (editing is my least favorite part of finishing every chapter, can you tell?)

TW: This chapter contains brief depictions and discussions of abuse and toxicity and brief depictions of sexual content.


The Sheraton
Brooklyn, New York

Julien was suddenly aware of everything happening in her body all at once

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Julien was suddenly aware of everything happening in her body all at once. Her stomach churned, iron fists squeezed their way around her lungs, her heart pumped so heavily against the inner walls of her chest she thought it was going to explode. She didn't even shake this hard whenever she had made love to a woman for the first time. Or well, maybe she didn't reserve the right to say that she had made love before. Hopefully with Lydia she would get the chance to.

Her hands slid to the hem of her shirt, fingers curling around it as she went to lift it from her head just in time to feel Lydia's hands pressing to her chest. "Julien... you're shaking." She whispered, eyebrows softening a bit into an almost guilty expression. "If you're not comfortable with this either then-"

"No... no I am." She protested with a firm shake of her head. "I just... really like you and I- I don't wanna screw this up."

"You won't." Lydia disagreed, letting her legs tighten around Julien's waist ever so slightly as she brought her in. "I trust you."

Julien nodded, her own thighs squeezing together as if to calm the current ache blooming in between them. Knowing the more she lifted her shirt up her body it was only going to get worse, but she couldn't help herself with the okay from Lydia, whipping the shirt off of her body without a second thought. She wore nothing underneath. Her skin was pale but flushed, her shape relatively flat but with the perfect curves to accent her waist and hips, freckles seemed to decorate every inch of her, and Julien's lips practically burned with how badly she wanted to graze them over every little blemish and dip.

She was helpless, completely at the mercy of her as she caught her greedy hands trailing down her soft skin. "Baby." She whispered in what felt like need, completely at the mercy of her as she only felt her legs pulling her in. "Please." She didn't even know what she was begging for. To touch her maybe? To kiss her? To lift her from the counter and take her to the bed and make sweet love to her.

Before she knew it she was moaning into her lips, hands gripping her waist as their bodies pressed together. Her tongue inching its way past her teeth as she let it entangle with Lydia's. A vibrating moan fell from Lydia's mouth next as she felt Julien's thumbs pressing into the dimples in her back. "You're so beautiful." She whispered into the sounds of pleasure, hoping Lydia could hear her as she did so.

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