nine- present & past

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I'll be real- this one is not very great :/

I've been dealing with a pretty intense case of writer's block lately besides with my new story (please go read it btw! <3) but I also want to continue to make S, B, T and Vessels a priority as well! Even whenever it's sometimes difficult to jump worlds so drastically different! 😬

At any rate though despite the rustiness I hope you still like this one and stick with me!

TW: This chapter contains brief depictions of trauma and anxiety.


I probably should've felt ashamed, staring at her in the way that I did while she cooked dinner

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I probably should've felt ashamed, staring at her in the way that I did while she cooked dinner. Dinner I admittedly didn't know I was going to eat due to the level of pickiness that only seemed to get worse throughout the years. But I didn't mind the view of her muscles as she did slice into the big piece of squash that they had gotten from the store earlier. Hell, I probably looked light years away as I stared at her, tracing the lines of her tattoos with my eyes.

"Your guitar is no longer bigger than you." I spoke up, not wanting to spend most of my time just objectifying her, not like my words were much better.

I heard her snicker a bit from above me, eyes trailing on me as I lifted my head from my fist. "My guitar was only bigger than me during my first album, and even then it was that big ass acoustic." She responded, pointing the end of the utensil towards me causing me to sit up a bit straighter. "Meanwhile, I feel like you holding one of my acoustics even now-"

"Alright, alright, I get it." I huffed and rolled my eyes, twirling a piece of red hair around my finger. Eyes still wide and staring up at her with some sort of wonder tinted in them. Something I hope she didn't recognize. "Can I ask you something?" I spoke up after a moment of silence, one that should've probably been much more awkward than it was.

"What's up?" She stated, still continuing to look up at me even as she was working.

"How come you don't wear it anymore?" I asked, so quiet I thought she wasn't going to be able to hear it. Though I had a feeling even without me specifying she knew exactly what I was talking about. The silver cross necklace I used to hang onto and trace with my fingers, sometimes being the only thing she wore while I did so.

"Hmmm..." she hummed a bit to herself as she leaned against the counter, eyebrows furrowing as if deep in thought. "I don't know, I guess... after a while I just realized I wasn't sure if I believed anymore. I still have it with me, I take it everywhere I go but- wearing it just felt like a lie I guess. It is a recent development though, if you're wondering." She cleared her throat, awkwardly peering back down at the food in front of her as if she didn't know how to continue on with the conversation. Which was fair, maybe I didn't either. Not without saying things I probably wasn't supposed to. "What about you?" She finally asked, a tiny ache creeping in my heart as I gazed down at my hands now currently clasped in my lap.

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