three- past

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A/N Upon editing of this chapter I'm not loving it too much :/ However I hope you do regardless! I'm still rusty whenever it comes to writing in 3rd person! 😬

Also apologies if any typos/mistakes/etc slipped through the cracks. I've had a busy/not a great week with health issues flare ups so I have been a tad distracted with writing and even editing this! :(

TW: This chapter contains brief discussions of a toxic relationship.


Lydia was certain she had never smiled so hard in her life the second she was left behind the door of the tiny bathroom

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Lydia was certain she had never smiled so hard in her life the second she was left behind the door of the tiny bathroom. Fighting back a little squeal as she bit down hard on her bottom lip, hopping up and down on the one usable foot she had. Her own version of a happy dance. She liked her. She really really liked her. And to make matters even more abnormal Julien had actually liked her back.

Since she had came to terms with her queerness it had felt like her entire love life had been nothing but unrequited. And now... finally... it wasn't. It actually wasn't. And it didn't feel real. Slapping a hand over her mouth she let out a muffled squeal into her hand at the fairytale thoughts that circled through her brain. Cheeks as red as roses even as she scrubbed her day old makeup off. Probably looking like Chucky and his bride's child more and more by the hour.

After cleaning up and taking care of her business she pulled on the sweatpants Julien had given her. Thankful that the two of them seemed to be the same size or at least close to it... however Julien was infinitely more muscular than her. And seemed to like the looser look a bit more than she did causing them to almost hang off of her waist. No doubt she still had some sort of homeless vibe to her probably as she decided to pull her hair into two loose braids.

The second she cracked open the door to the bathroom though she almost jumped out of her skin at the sight of Julien lounging against the weak walls. Hands grasping her biceps, changed into a pair of simple black skinny jeans. A smile spreading on her gorgeous face the second she glanced upwards at the noise. "You look adorable." She stated, hands already sliding around Lydia's waist practically causing her to shiver all over again. "Let me help you."

"You kept them waiting for me?" Lydia questioned, gulping an anxious lump down her throat as she let her body weight lean mostly against Julien's side. Though pain still shot up her ankle every time she put weight on it, the tiniest whimper spreading in her throat as she tangled her fingers through her shirt.

"If it'd be easier if I carried you-" Julien began causing Lydia to only shake her head in a fast denial.

"No, i-it's okay... I'm okay." She spoke with a heavy breath out as she limped forward on the throbbing limb, cheeks immediately flashing red at the sight of Phoebe and Lucy seeming to stare them down once they made it to the living room. It probably totally looked like they were doing some version of the classic 'walk of shame.'

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