eight- present

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TW: This chapter contains brief but slightly graphic depictions of sexual content and brief discussions of trauma.

Also PSA before I get comments on this!! I did make Julien taller in this one so they'd have a cute height difference and I didn't have to make Lydia wayyyyy too short. Now anyways... onto the actual story :,)


I didn't know whenever I started relying on her to fall asleep next to at night

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I didn't know whenever I started relying on her to fall asleep next to at night. I don't know if it was whenever the back and forth with Paige got worse or what. All I knew is that it was hell whenever I had to stop. So for a while I didn't. I started relying on pills I only took until I started getting delirious. I paced the halls of my parents house like a ghost. I tried to go on drives and do everything I could to block out the one-sided moans coming from my sister's room that lasted all night.

One night I had my sights set on going straight to Pennsylvania. Lucy had told me on that panicked phone call at New York's Penn Station that I didn't have to go back. I didn't have to go back to Charleston. 'Just come to Pennsylvania. It's closer. You don't have to go back, Lydia, you don't have to run back to her.'

I had felt like I lived a thousand lives and died a thousand deaths just to get back here, curled up to her side with my head burrowed in her chest until the morning. Holding onto her for dear life, afraid she was just an illusion I had convinced myself of and she'd disappear the second the sun came up. I only clutched onto her shirt tighter whenever that pesky alarm started squealing, screwing my eyes shut into a wince as she tightened her own grip around me. One hand delicately holding onto the bare skin of my waist, not even realizing they had ever so slightly found their way up my shirt until now. And I didn't mind.

"I never thought I'd ever make it back here." I whispered into her shirt as I felt her fingertips gently trailing up my spine causing my body to be met with a shiver.

"Neither did I." She hummed in response, lips brushing along my hairline.

Yes, I know what everyone is thinking, and no, we didn't. The thought of ever being intimate with somebody ever again was enough to want to check myself into the nearest nunnery. And the thought of being intimate with her again was just simply too much. Too much to think about. Too much to give of myself so quickly, all at once.

"Lydia?" She whispered, a soothing sound in my ear only causing my eyes to flutter as I felt her fingers slipping delicately through my hair. "Are you sure you're awake, my love?"

"Unfortunately." I whispered, lifting my heavy body from where it laid curled into her all night. Her hair an unraveled mess from the low bun it had sat in previously, brown eyes sleepy and soft as they gazed down at me. So perfect and gentle... everything I had ever needed her to be.

I lifted a hand from its position around her, placing it gently on her cheek as if she was some creature from another planet too perfect for this one. "Want me to drive you?" She wondered, my fingers lightly tracing out the curve of her jawline.

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