six- present

300 17 5

TW: This chapter contains depictions of anxiety and panic attacks and brief discussions of sexual content.



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Okay... maybe the flirting was a little bit far. The wink was definitely too far. The avoidance of flirting with somebody who you used to have an insane amount of chemistry with was easier said than done though. Regardless of all of the above, Julien spent most of her time blaming herself for most of the problems that had arose. The car accident, the injury and the limp she sustained from it. A feeling of constant guilt weighing down on her chest while Lydia hid behind a stone cold glare from the passenger seat, hands clamped upon her lap, and every single muscle in her perfect body as tense as ever.

"Lydia-" She murmured with as much strength as she could muster, tightening her hands around the steering wheel.

"I know what you're thinking and no, it wasn't your fault. None of it was." She stated, finally letting herself relax against the back of the seat. Julien made the mistake of looking at her again, scanning every inch of her frame that she had come to grow so familiar with. Only with the slightest bit of changes she had guessed were cosmetic more than anything. Plumper lips, maybe the slightest bit of cheek filler. She caught herself looking towards the side of her inner wrist where she saw the same tattoo the four of them had all gotten together. One singular shaded tooth. Only Lydia's was encircled by a crescent moon. She had said since she was never an official member of the band she wanted hers to look different in a way. She always did have to put her own spin on things.

Her hands still looked as small and smooth as ever, the only marks of a violinist being the callouses that lined one hand. And Julien remembered how soft they always felt in her rough and worn ones with knuckles that always seemed to be bruised in some way and fingernails bit down to the quick. She remembered the nights where Lydia's delicate hand laid bundled up on her chest where she slept. And Julien would engulf it with her own, bring it to her lips and kiss every single inch and divet she possibly could.

Fuck, how did you get so swept away from just seeing her hands?

"Julien." Lydia murmured, twisting slightly to face her with her own eyebrows drawn together. "Julien... you're zoning again."

She felt the touch of one of those hands on her shoulder, jerking away at first like she had been stung. And Lydia looked like she had been too. "I- m-maybe this was a mistake." She spoke through a quivering voice, reaching for her seatbelt to wrangle it off of her once more.

"No... No, Lydia, please." Julien hadn't even noticed the tears that had gathered in her own eyes, catching her hands darting out to grip her tiny wrists in them as if it'd stop her from reaching for the door handle. "Please don't- please- I was just- I-" Her words were a jumbled mess. It felt impossible to get them in order as they stammered and shook with every syllable. "I keep getting reminded- I- I keep remembering... before and- fuck!" The frustration pricked at the back of her throat as she slammed her hands against the steering wheel. Lydia flinched at the sudden spark and it only made Julien hate herself even more.

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