two- past

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Hey friends!! Sorry for the long wait that this one took... again. I wrote this while I was feeling a series of different emotions and unfortunately each one probably shines through from horniness, to sadness, to betrayal, to anger, to relief, etc etc... because of that this might be a bit iffy. I hope that nevertheless you all enjoy it though or can at least try to!

Psa; will probably stay in the past for a while so I can establish more of their relationship. Okay, I'll stop babbling now and let you read! Love ya! 🩵


Julien was every bit as caring as she helped Lydia towards the back bedroom

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Julien was every bit as caring as she helped Lydia towards the back bedroom. Each step causing her to wince and suck in breaths of pain, arms gripping around her waist as even just one of Julien's arms held her up with ease. "Just one step at a time, baby girl, just one step at a time." Julien whispered into the sea of her auburn hair.

"What'd you call me?" She spoke, spinning around to face her with a twinkle in her soft blue eyes. Immediately making Julien's cheeks feel like matches were being struck on them as she cleared her throat. Arm fighting the urge to encircle around her waist and pull her in for another one. Another helpless kiss that only left her begging and aching for more.

"Uhhh... force of habit?" She questioned with a sheepish shrug, immediately recognizing the implications of her statement the second it slipped from her mouth. Cheeks probably glowing underneath the horrendous lighting of the bus as she shook her head, "That isn't to say that-"

"To be totally honest, Julien, you really don't strike me as a whore. And even if you were I'm not a slut shamer." Lydia spoke, the feeling of her finger trailing along underneath her chin causing her to almost gulp as she snickered a bit.

"Good, I don't fuck with slut shamers." She fired back, trying to tease right back in her own futile way before cracking open the door knob that rested right by Lydia's hip.

"So, they gave you the big room in the back? You know, JB, it really is starting to look like you're a big deal here." She remarked as she let Julien's arm slip back around her body as she limped forward and groaned in pain. So much for trying to appear graceful.

"Shut up, I fought them on it. My entire crew." Julien snickered with a roll of her eyes, gently inching her onto the raised queen sized bed. "We only just got the back bedroom for this tour anyways so... it's not super special."

"Maybe it was fate." Lydia spoke dreamily, and the look on her face was enough to make her want to press her to the sheets all over again.

"That someone knew a princess would be coming on tour with us and would need a far more comfortable place to sleep? I believe it." Julien snickered, and this time it was the redhead's turn to blush as she only shook her head in response.

"Shush, stay with me." Lydia didn't hesitate to say as she locked her small fingers around Julien's tattooed wrist.

"I don't think fair maiden's are supposed to do that before marriage."

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