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Alarms sounded throughout the compound. Ana, Pietro, and Wanda ran off to find Strucker. They found him in the lab, shouting as everyone panicked.

" Who ordered the attack?" He interrogated.

" It's the Avengers, sir, border patrol panicked," the soldier replied.

The three teens froze at the man's words. They knew the Avengers would show up eventually, but knowing about it and the event actually happening were two different things. They didn't want to admit it, but they were scared of the group of heroes.

" Why don't we show them what we've been working on?" one of the scientists suggested," Bring them out."

" They are not ready yet," Strucker replied.

" Our perimeter will not hold against the Avengers,"

Pietro smirked, grabbing the two girls and speeding out of the compound. He dropped Wanda off in another part of the compound, while Ana was outside with Hawkeye. She distracted him while Pietro focused on Captain America.

" They say you never miss, I wanted to find out for myself," Ana taunted, her accent thick.

" Well I haven't yet, but there's a first for everything," the archer replied.

The bunker went off, getting both of them. It hit Clint in the stomach while Ana got shot in the ribs due to the height difference.

" Shit," Ana growled.

Both fell to the ground as the Black Widow showed up. She ran to the archer first, putting pressure on his wound.

" Guys Clint's down," the widow spoke.

Ana recognized her voice from somewhere, but she couldn't remember. Her mind was getting hazy. She didn't have to wait long, as the widow already seemed to know who she was.

" I've got one of the enhanced too. Can someone please take care of this bunker?" she called out.

The Hulk rammed into it, smashing the bunker. Ana's eyes widened in fear, certain that she did not want to end up on his bad side.

" Thank you, big guy," she spoke.

It finally clicked who the woman in front of her was. It was her sister Natasha, the one who left her behind.

She ran over to Ana, trying to stop the bleeding. Ana's breathing was labored, as the wound was close to her lung.

" It's going to be okay, Ana, just stay with me," Nat said.

" Natty," Ana mumbled.

Her vision was filled with black dots and it was fading fast. Even if she wanted to keep her eyes open she couldn't, everything fading to black.

Pietro's POV-

Pietro finished his business with the captain, going over to where Ana was.

He found her lying in Natasha's arms, passed out. He was tempted to take her from the widow's arms, but he would be compromised.

Instead, he let the widow and the scientist take her with the archer, before going back to his sister.

Ana's POV-

" You have so much potential, Ana," Strucker spoke," Or should I say Anastasia Romanova? I looked up your profile before we started, you have an... interesting history to say the least. You're stronger than your friends, you'll be perfect for our new experiment. Put her under."

Ana's brain was filled with everything that had happened to her, the memories playing through her mind like a movie. Her body twitched, as she experienced it all again.

" Everything we've done has paid off. The others will hold the Avengers, but you will destroy them," Strucker spoke.

" Go to hell," Ana spat.

" Oh Anastasia, I'm sure the Red Room will gladly take you back. Misbehave and you'll go back to dancing until you bleed, and being forced to kill without mercy,"

Ana sat straight up, cursing in pain. Natasha walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

" Stay down, you're still injured," Natasha spoke.

"As if you've ever cared about that," Ana spat back.

" I'm sorry, I didn't want to leave you,"

" And yet you still did,"

Natasha sighed, running a hand through her hair.

" You'll be safe here," she said.

" You guys won't be. Strucker will do anything to get his 'weapons' back. Just a few words and I'm putty in his hands," Ana replied.

" What do you mean? What did he do to you?"

" The same thing Hydra does to all their prized possessions, made a fail-safe so I can't escape. I don't even know the words unless they're called. It doesn't change anything though, either way, I'm a monster,"

" You're not a monster, Ana, you've just had to make a few questionable choices to survive. Now come on, we have to get you ready for Tony's party,"

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