Fire, Shadows, and Spider

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Red Son huffed, "This is ridiculous!" Princess Iron Fan sent him a look, "If your father wants you to keep an eye on the thief, you will do as he says." She leaned back, a small look of wonder in her eyes, "It seems he and the simian have come to an understanding."

So here he was, standing before the noodle shop.

Red Son huffed as entered, "I will be paying, if that is a concern." Pigsy blinked in surprise, but rolled his eyes, "What'cha want?" The fire demon looked over the menu, clicking his tongue, "Anything spicy will suffice. And make it as hot as you can." The chef nodded, turning back into the kitchen.

The scholar greeted him, oddly enough with a smile on his face, "Hello, Red Son. How are your parents?" The redhead scowled, "We are not friends, peasant. I am here simply because my father seems to have reconciled with the Monkey King and has ordered for me to keep an eye on the Noodle Boy."

"Red Son?!"

He sputtered as a green blur latched herself against him, picking him up, "Hey, dude! Eating out today?" Red Son squirmed, hissing against the dragon girl, "Put me down-- Dragon--Horse Girl-!" She released him, chuckling as he dusted off his clothes.

MK clasped his hands together, "So, you have to hang out with us?" Red Son huffed, "Unfortunately." Mei and MK shared a look, and it was his only warning before Red Son was suddenly yanked out the door.



MK was still wary of him, Macaque didn't blame him.

But as always, he relayed messages to the boy. And his worry only grew with each clone sent. They were growing steadily weaker, which meant Wukong was, too. They weren't exactly friends, not yet, Macaque wasn't ready.

But he was still his warrior.

Macaque watched as the Demon Bull King's son nearly blew up the other two, and he held back a laugh. MK and Mei were safe, for now. But that wouldn't be the case soon enough.

The spiders were up to something, and it was clear they were being directed by a very prominent figure. But that didn't matter at the moment, he needed to wait for MK to be alone so he could deliver a message.


Wukong was like a ghost, floating from temple to temple in search for clues on the Lady Bone Demon's powers now that she was free.

Soon, he would regain his body. Originally, Wukong planned on using his current form to snag the map, but he was growing weak. He wouldn't last very long like this, so his body was going to be a necessary asset.

But it seems Heaven had moved his body ever since the furnace was taken, and he was left aimlessly wandering the halls. But he was close, he knew it. He just needed to go on a little while longer.

He gasped as his body flickered, and he realized his latest message clone must've burst, giving back a little bit of power back to the original. Wukong swallowed dryly before hauling himself forward, continuing his search.


MK glanced at the shadow in his room, frowning, "New message?"

Macaque crawled out, nodding softly, "Yeah. That, and a talk I should've offered a while ago." The hero sat down on his bed, staring at the shadow user suspiciously. The warrior cleared his throat, "Uh. They moved his body, so he might be out for longer than what he originally thought."

MK slumped, "Oh..."

Macaque moved forward awkwardly, "MK, he'll find it. He's got tons of tricks up his sleeves." He stood before the hero now, hands nervously brushing against his scarf, "Look, bud... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I used you and-- For that whole misunderstanding. I'm sorry I hurt you, MK."

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