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(This chapter title has nothing to do with the plot)

It was finally the end of the day, Ten was hit with a wave of exhaustion from all the classes. He began walking to his house, remembering his project with johnny, he wanted to cry. He hated Him ever since he got introduced to him.
"Wahh ten-yah! Why can't you be like Johnny? He got straight a's and he moved up classes!!"

"Tennie~ Why can't you be as perfect as Johnny? He's skinny, He's smart, hes amazing, all what you can't be" 

Ten was sick. He just couldn't stand those comments but grew up to bear it slightly. All he did, every achievement he made, he was constantly overcome with "Oh but Johnny's blah blah blah"

The sun was still on the sky. The thought of Johnny still lingered in his mind as he walked up to the steps of his house, carefully opening the door to not wake up his parents. He made sure the door didn't creek as he cautiously closed. His sister ran up to him, cookies in hand. "CHI CHI!!! I MADE COOKIES FOR YOU!!" Ten couldn't help but smile at his sister, he felt sick to the stomach at the thought of eating more, but slowly takes one. "Thank you~" He said, in a cheerful smile, and ate the cookie as fast as he could.  

"You better eat all of the cookies or im selling your future child to the cannibals-"
"Yeah sure. Ill tell Mo-" Ten goes silent.

 "Ten... go shower.." Ten slowly walked away from Kulisara and walks away to the bathroom. He turns to the shower and makes sure its loud enough before sticking his fingers in his mouth, activating his gag reflex and throwing up. He hated it so much, but he had to do it for his parents. For his sister. For his friends.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Short chapter ik :(

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