13 = 17

15 2 0

(This has nothing to do with the plot)

In the library's silent rooms, Johnny took a breath, his eyes flickering from the clock to Ten and back. He admired everything about Ten. How his eyes fluttered when he studied, his subconscious touching of the mole under his eye, how he bit his lip when he was concentrating hard.

Time was running out. He only had a week before their project was over, and he couldn't wait forever to ask out Ten.

  "Hey Ten," Johnny's voice cut through the quiet, calm atmosphere of the library. "Wanna grab food with me after this?" God he was praying for the answer 'Yes'.

 "Sure," Ten replied, a small smile on his face, his mind still half on the pages in front of him. Oh how Johnny just wanted to kiss that small face of Tens, shower him with love and adoration.

The clock ticked and ticked as Johnny stared at it longingly. He was nervous as hell. The ticking we're not helping. Johnny kept working but he kept glancing at the time. 

 Finally, they pretty much finished the Project. The only thing they needed to do was present it, and add a few scenes in their "trailer". 

They swiftly packed their things, the end-of-day light casting long shadows across the study tables. Johnny's heart was a drumbeat, each step they took echoing the rhythm of his nervousness. 

Once outside, the cool air seemed to calm him, even as he guided Ten towards the little diner down the street, yet Johnny's pulse raced as they sat down, the buzz of the diner around them now a backdrop to the moment he'd been dreading and craving in equal measure.

"You know," Johnny started, then hesitated. Ten looked up, curious. "I've liked our late nights together, sometimes when we're at restaurants, cafes, or just simply at home... Just you and me." 

Ten's stared into his eyes, like  Johnny, as though they we're trying to make each other breathless. "Me too," he said, his tone very breathy. Johnny's next words felt monumental, yet they came out simple. 

"I like you, Ten Lee. More than I thought I would. More than just a study partner, or a friend, or a rival. I really love you romantically, Mr. Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul."

Cricket noises could literally be heard as silence fell, but only for a heartbeat. Then Ten sat on johnnys lap, making a flustered Johnny and a somewhat embarrassed Ten. "I love you too." And just like that, the tension broke. Johnny chuckled, relief washing over him like the warm light of the diner. Johnny leaned closer, and their lips met for a brief moment, a wave of euphoria washing over them. Ten slid his arms around Johnnys neck, and johnny did the same, holding ten as though he was fragile just at his waist. They stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away, breathless. 

"So.. will you by my boyfriend, Mr Lee?"

Ten tilted his head and laughed, not noticing a shadow just looming over them. "Why yes Mr. Suh. Why don't i become a Suh as we-" 

"Uhm.. your orders..?"

If there were a competition for whos face was more Red, it ended in a tie, they finally made the orders before the poor boy left.

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