Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul

18 3 6

Ten woke up, his body engulfed in warmth. He quickly realized his position with Johnny. One of Johnny's hands were wrapped around his waist and ten's head was resting on the other. His legs trapped Johnny's and he was sound asleep.

He tried to get out of Johnny's grasp but failed misrebly. 
"Please stay.." Ten immediatly flushed. Johnny's deep voice and those words almost convinced him.

"No. im not a not a fucking object. Let go of me, we have school."

Johnny groaned and let go of Ten, Ten's immediatly flushed. 

"I'll.. i'll go ourside so you can change-" He sped away. What was happening to him? He thought as he raced downstairs to find Kulisara.


[Time Skip] The last bell of the day rang through the corridors, signaling freedom for legions of students. Ten trudged out of his final class, his thoughts still ensnared by the morning's events. Despite a day filled with lectures and notes, he couldn't shake the memory of Johnny's voice, thick with sleep, pleading for him to stay. Now, with his backpack slung over one shoulder, he scanned the crowd for a familiar face, hoping to find some clarity amidst the chaos of his feelings. 

He spot one of his friends. "Sicheng-ah!" Sicheng turned, an eyebrow raised. "Tennie?" 

Drgging a hand down his face, Ten exhaled, his voice laced with melodrama. "Chengie~ Im not okayyy."

Concern flickered in Sicheng's eyes. "Why, whats wrong??"

Ten slumped on a wall. "I think I'm going insane."

"You were always insane."

"Shut up."

"Okay now what's the actual problem?"

Silence hung for a brief moment before Ten continued, "Hypothetically, if you despised someone your entire life because they're kind of cocky and your parents kept comparing you, making you feel tiny—" 

 "—And now your heart races at the smallest things they do?" Sicheng finished, a knowing smirk touching his lips.

"You have a crush on Johnny?" Ten choked on spit.

"Hell no. This is hypothetical."

"Well in this veeeeeery hypothetical situation, i would tell johnny-"

"Not johnny for fucks sake."

"I would tell my husband."


"My Boyfriend."

"Hell no."

"My sugar baby honey b-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! Where in gods creation did you get these names from?"

"Don't ask. So ill just ask this mysterious boy out on a date."

"What if its not that simple?"

"Then you make it simple, dumbass. Or you could play a guitar and serenade johnny-"

"Its not johnny!! It's not me! And no ones serenading anyone!"

Sicheng rolled his eyes. "Okay then wait for him to confess to you? I don't know, i'm running late for something."

Ten sighed dramatically. "YoU aLwAyS hAd TiMe FoR mE tHoUGh"

"Ssssssssshut up. Anyways have fun with johnny courting you!! Bye!" Sicheng turned and left.

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