11 + 5.5 + 2.5-(1.27 + 1.43 + 1.48 + 5.66) =

20 2 0

(I'm sorry for not putting twices song for chapter 11 please forgive me ill do it in my other book i swear, anyways another maths question! (the answer is yet again the chapter number))

The world had been a crescendo of shadow and fear, and then... silence. Ten's call for help. 

Groggy and disoriented, he blinked against the gentle light cascading through a window he didn't recognize. 

 The room was warm and smelled faintly of expensive cologne, the kind that Johnny would wear, a comforting scent that eased some of the tightness in his chest. 

His ears picked up the distant sound of clinking dishes and the subtle murmur of a TV. This wasn't his place. The memories of last night started to flood back, and a wave of panic rose within him. Then, footsteps approached, and a figure appeared in the doorway. It was Johnny, his expression a mix of concern and relief. 

"You're awake," Johnny said gently, stepping into the room. "You had me worried sick. After your call, I found you... I brought you here. It's safe." 

 Ten tried to sit up, his thoughts still tangled. "Johnny... I..." he started, but the words wouldn't come. 

 "Don't talk. You've been through a lot. Just... rest, okay? I'm here now," Johnny reassured him, sitting beside Ten on the bed. As Ten's eyes locked with Johnny's, searching for answers he wasn't even sure of, he knew one thing clearly. Johnny had saved him. 

Ten barely managed to say. "How'd.. how'd you find me?"

"Your location was on, plus you we're near my house." 

"Thank.. thank you.. for uhm.. not thinking it was sometihng bad..." He said, before being lulled to sleep by the calming and familiar scent of Johnny's cologne.


Johnny's smile was a gentle curve in the soft light. "Always, Ten. You should know by now, I've got your back," he murmured, but he wasn't sure if Ten, who was falling asleep, could hear him. He observed Ten for a moment, the rise and fall of his chest syncing with the quiet hum of the house, allowing himself to breathe a sigh of relief. It was a close call, too close. And it stirred something protective within Johnny, a silent vow that he wouldn't let anything like this happen again. 

 As Ten fell asleep, Johnny stood up and quietly made his way to the kitchen. He needed to keep busy, to somehow rid himself of the adrenaline that was still coursing through his veins. He decided to cook. Tonight's dinner needed to be something comforting, something to make Ten feel at home. He decided on something simple yet filling, chicken soup. He hoped it would offer Ten some kind of comfort when he woke up again. Time slipped by as Johnny pondered over how to help Ten heal, how to bring back the sparkle that seemed a non existent in his eyes. And when the soup simmered to perfection, he ladled it into two bowls, setting one aside for when Ten was ready.

He glanced at the clock. It wouldn't be long before Ten awoke again, hungrier and hopefully feeling more himself. As the apartment settled into a calm silence, Johnny made a mental note to check in on Ten after a while, but for now, he gave him the space to rest. Johnny knew that recovery, just like architecture, required a solid foundation, and he was determined to help Ten build it, piece by piece.

He remembered what happened when we walked into the area. Ten's tear stricken face made him feel as though he got stabbed at his heart at least 7000 times. A wave of anger rushed over him. As much as he tried to fight back his anger, he failed. He grabbed the unconscious man who hurt Ten, grabbing his collar and throwing him against the wall. He punched him as hard as he could.

Johnny knew violence was never the answer, but he only saw read that time. The sadness in tens face and voice made him punch the guy harder and harder. He finally stopped at the thought of Ten, realizing he was shivering and the fact that he hit his head on the cement and walls.

Not caring who was looking as he stepped outside, He called the police as he picked up Ten like a bride. He studied his face as he ran, while saying the address of the harasser to the police. Oh how he so badly wanted to kiss those soft pink lips of tens, the innocence he displays makes Johnny just want to cuddle him. Protect him from any outside force that tries to harm him. He knew he hurt ten, he saw the tears in his eyes well as the way he gripped his skin on his hand, poking into it. He noticed how he barely ate anything at the café and all he wanted to do was to reassure him he's perfect, he shouldn't worry about others opinions. He just wanted Ten. He continued to think about how perfect Ten was, with his sweet cute smile and his sassy but caring personality. He stared at the soup, mentally noting to provide him spare clothes and his shower. He recalled his favorite food and drinks and ordered them to eat alongside the soup.

The warmth of the soup helped him calm a little bit more down as he waited for Ten to wake up. Setting aside the last dish, Johnny turned his attention back to Ten, who was now stirring gently, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes still shadowed with the remains of fear. 

 "Hey, you're awake," Johnny said, his voice steady and soft. "How are you feeling?" 

 Ten blinked slowly, his gaze focusing as he took in his surroundings, the smell of food, and Johnny's concerned face hovering above him. 

"I... my head," he murmured, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch the tender area. 

 "Don't worry, I got you," Johnny assured, gently guiding Ten's hand away. He quickly searched for some Tylenol. A faint glimmer of gratitude mixed with the sparks in his eyes. 

"Yeah, thank you, Johnny... for everything." Johnny's heart clenched at the soft, sincere thanks, his chest swelling with a protective urge stronger than ever. 

"Anything for you, Ten. Let's get some food into you, and then you can rest as much as you need." 

 Johnny helped Ten go to the kitchen, trying to avoid him being uncomfortable. The first time he tried, ten flinched. He tried as much as he could before he just slowly walked behind him incase he fell. 

Once they finally arrived to the table, with Ten eating, enjoying the amazing taste of the soup, Johnny watched Ten take tentative sips of the soup, a small smile playing on his lips as he observed the gradual return of color to his pale cheeks. Johnny looked at him as though he hang up the moon, before he started doing the same.

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