chapter 2

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I wake up to cold water being splashed onto my face. I jlot up and see dd and notti laughing at me. " wake up dickhead we gotta go to school you gonna make us late" notti says laughing. I swear I hate being related to these boys sometimes.

I got up and showered, then got dressed in a cute ass outfit that I knew would make the boys upset. I went to the bathroom did my morning routine and did small natural makeup like mascara and Shit like that.

 I went to the bathroom did my morning routine and did small natural makeup like mascara and Shit like that

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I walked downstairs, not feeling like eating. " woah woah woah 2 things, 1 wtf are yu wearing and 2 you needa eat breakfast mh you can't starve all day" dd told me. Then all of the boys, including my oldest brother, jstar looked at my outfit. " nothing is wrong with my outfit mind your business nigga " I snapped at them I wasn't in the fucking mood for that shit they already pissed me off. " nahh nigga watch the fucking attitude" notti snaps back. " yall already piss-" I got cut off by Jstar, " Nah Idgaf if they pissed you off or not, we are all older than yu so yu needa cut this attitude off before we have a problem little girl" Jstar said.

and when Jstar said some shit like that he serious because he is one of the nice ones outta all of them. I roll my eyes and walk to melz room and slam the door. " melz help me. These boys are gonna wanna make me jump off a bridge," I told her. " What happened, eve" "they all got on my case for having a fucking attitude when they woke me up by dumping cold water on my face then telling me I needa change and that I can't have an attitude." I explained to her. " Don't worry, mh, I'll deal with them, and I mean, you are the youngest." Melz said. This is why I love her she always has my back.

" yo braces, we gotta go. You're gonna make us late," notti yells. I ran down the stairs and went straight to the car without saying a word to them. Jay is taking me notti and dd to school but not before picking up ddot. " yo mh what's u, wichu?." Ddot asks me. I look at him and give him a small smile while a small blush rises on my cheeks. " she mad at us for sum reason and didn't we tell you to change," notti said. I flipped them off, and ignored them. "Na, just wait till we get out this car, Evelyn. I swear this attitude is getting me tight," dd says.

I mugged him cause how a nigga gonna be Mad about my attitude when you started it, and it was your fault. I texted the angels group chat

Angels 😇

Guys when I get out this car ima run to the bathroom on the second floor meet me there aight.

Why wtf is going on.

I'll explain when I see you

Eva 🥵
Ok mh just be safe cause idk what's going on
Eve😍 liked this message

Jay parked the car and right when he unlocked the door I took my chance by running to the bathroom like I said I was. When I got there, Eva and Mia were waiting "girl what is going on?" I explained everything, and they stood there, taking everything in.

Twin🤞( ethan)
Eve, why did you take off running like that? where are you?
Read 7:55

Twin 🤞
Ik you saw my message answer me you getting us tight. Just wait till we see u at lunch
Read 7:58

I honestly might just start talking to them again at lunch bc I don't have any classes with dd or notti so i gives me time to cool down, but I do have my first class with ddot. I get to class 5 minutes after the bell rings. " Your late, Evelyn," the teacher told me. " i know." I snapped back at her and went to sit down. " Hey ma, I didn't see yu earlier," ddot said to me and girl when I tell you I blushed so hard. " yea I got mad at the boys bc they were pissing me off this morning," I explained to him.

Time skip

It's finally lunch, and I sit down next to my twin, and mia. We were all having our normal conversation when this guy who looks older than me and has red dreads came up to me. " Hey Mami, you lookin mad good rn can I get ur number?" he asked me. I looked at him up and down bc he wasn't too bad looking " um no im good" I told bc if I didn't the boys would be on my ass and I don't wanna get a lecture from all of my siblings

" Come on, Mami, I can make you feel real good. I can promise you that."

( a/n that's fucking cringy sorry guys)

That's a fucking red flag. " Nah nigga did you not just here what she said?" "Nah rs walk the fuck away before I boom you" dd yells at him. They always do that shit like bro. I can handle myself. I don't need them to take care of shit for me.
" fine I don't want her ugly ass anyway" he said before walking away. Nah bc what didn't you just sa- nvm fuck him.

The day was over and we all went home and just chilled the rest of the day. Ddot slept over. " Hey ma can I talk to you real quick before you go to sleep." Ddot asked me. I just nod my head to tired to speak. " did you want that guys number at lunch today" " no mh I didn't I want your attention only rn I'm not looking for other guys" he seemed almost relieved. " Goodnight mh" "Goodnight ddot" then I fell asleep

Sorry if it doesn't seem good rn but I'm trying to make it better

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