chapter 1

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"Dude get the fuck out of my room" I told notti who keeps leaving my room a mess along with dd. "Nah, we good," Dd says, laughing his ass off. Wtf is so funny nigga. "Ma, can you tell these two dumb asses to get outta my room?" "Language, boys get outta her room and leave her alone." I hate being one of the only girls in a house full of boys and 2 girls.

Another thing that isn't too bad, but I don't absolutely love, is them being very overprotective. Whenever melz and I have hangouts, they easdrop on our private conversation, especially when Ddot comes over. i mean, he basically lives here. I dont mind it because I've always had a crush on him, but no one knows except melz. Notti loves making fun of me cause I have braces, and he doesn't, but I always catch a lot of boys' attention, and him and dd hate that I get boys attention because of my braces.
"Mama, can Eva and Mia come over? Please, I need a break from being around boys. " I ask my mom, "yea ofc go ahead, " she answers me from the kitchen. " Thank you." I started to text the group chat that we have.

Angels 😇

Hey guys, u both wanna come over

Of course, I'll be over in 5

Yea, I'll be over in 5, too. I'm bored anyway.

I started getting ready for them to come over. I did my hair and put on an outfit, being very careful so the boys don't throw a fit about my outfit choice saying " I show too much skin"

 I did my hair and put on an outfit, being very careful so the boys don't throw a fit about my outfit choice saying " I show too much skin"

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I go downstairs when they both say they're here." Hey, beautiful and gorgeous." I tell them because they looked good. " What are they doin here? ddot is already here." Jay, my other brother, says I mugged him. " because they're here minding their own business you should try that" I said with hella attitude " little girl don't get smart with him nigga who tf do you thing you are?" Dd says I rolled my eyes and all 3 of us walked to my room I slammed the door. they are acting like little assholes bc the girls weren't here for them.

Soon after, dd,notti and ddot come in asking if they could use my ps5 and my big TV. I let them as long as they don't bother me and the girls.

" tell me why I was walking to the deli the other day, and this random ass nigga decides to start cat calling me and and saying shit like ' hey shawty lemme get ur number' ' damn you gotta fat ass let me hit' and shit" I said and as I said that everything goes completely silent, a moment before i said that I forgot the boys were in here. They turned their head towards me looking upset. " tf did you just say eve?" notti says he thinks just because he is 10 minutes older, he can control everything I do, and it pisses me off. " oh umm I forgot you guys were in here" I told them " that doesn't change shit my nigga what did you do when this pussy said that shit to you" dd Said " oh umm I ignored him and walked away but when he didn't stop I ran back to the house" I told them so they can stop being mad. They calmed down a little

After a couple of hours, Eva n Mia went home, and I got ready for bed bc we have school tomorrow. School will be hell, it always is.

Hey guys, this is the first chapter. I hoped you liked it. If you have any suggestions or characters you want me to put in, just let me know.

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