chapter 9

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Melz was driving the car while Jay was sitting in the front and notti and dd in the back. Dd had gotten a call from ddot
" yo ma heart wsp we got Somethin goin on rn so make it quit" dd Said kinda panicked. " yo you seen what's all over the internet, bro. Where is she? Is she ok? Is she with you?" Ddot said freaking out trying to find a way to get to her.

" bro, I don't know, we are on our way to her, and just go to the where I send you the location." Notti said while taking the phone. " ok, I got u," ddot said while hanging up the phone. " Guys, we here." Melz said. They got out and saw her laying there unconscious and blood on her head. Notti was so scared.

He would never show his true feelings in front of anyone unless it was family, and he loves his twin to death, so seeing her like this made him wanna cry. Jay gently picked her up and walked quickly to the car. Dd grabbed her phone and the bag she had from the deli. Melz started the car while Jay layed her on dd and notti's lap. Dd had examined her face while notti gave melz the hospital to go to that ddot would be at.

dd wanted to throw up at the sight of his little sister all beat up just because she rejected a boy. Notti and dd both were thinking about the same thing they gotta get their get back for her.

They got there and rushed inside with Evelyn in Jay's arm. " yo somebody needs to help her right now," melz yelled. " they brought over the stretcher and laid her down and took her to a room. " You guys need to wait in the waiting room," a nurse directed them.

" yo what the fuck just happened? why did this happen?" Ddot asked, confused about how all this went down. " we don't know the full story either, but all we know is we getting our get back," Jay said, furious their little sister was badly hurt when she didn't deserve it." All we can do it wait for what they have to say," melz said, trying to calm everyone down.

It's been about an hour and a half. The doctor came out. " Evelyn Reyes?" The doctor called out, making everyone stand up. " So Evelyn has had some major injuries from whatever happened. He has one cracked rib, a broken nose, a black eye, and her neck.  has a big purple bruise. She has scars all over her body." The doctor had told them. They looked so sad for her.

Ddot didn't know what was going on, but his heart dropped all of these injuries were serious. "What room is she in." Ddot asked. " she is in room 218" the doctor said. They all ran to that room number, opening the door and seeing her lying there, scared, crying, and having a full-blown panic attack  . " Hey, hey, it's ok, it's ok, breathe, we right here." Notti said going over to her hugging her.

She just kept crying, not being able to breathe.  Dd went on the other side of her and grabbed her hand, rubbing it. " Hey, Eve, look at me, breathe. You got this. I know it's a lot, but we right here calm down." Dd said as her breathing slowed down.  Ddot looked at her and wanted to vomit. He wanted to make this girl his gf, his everything, and seeing her like this broke him.

" Mami, who did this to you? What happened? and we need full detail, " Ddot said, going up to her. She started typing on her phone, which made everyone confused about why she couldn't just say it.

" This guy who works at the deli jumped me with his friends because I rejected him. He hurt me so badly. It hurts. Everything hurts." Evelyn typed. It was hard for her to breathe because her ribs were cracked, and her neck was very sore to the point where she could barely talk. So the doctors suggested she only say simple things instead of full sentences for a couple of weeks.

"What's his name, bee? We gotta know so we can solve this, " Jay said.  " colby," she said in a whisper . They have always called her bee since her and notti were born bc of how small she was compared to notti. 

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