chapter 8

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I started to ignore his texts bc I don't wanna hear shit from anyone. I was walking to the deli, trying to be aware of my surroundings. I might Aswell get some snacks while I'm out here.

I got to the deli and went towards the chips and got me some hot cheetos. Then I went to the drinks and got me an Arizona. Those two together are so good.

I went up to pay. " Hey gorgeous," the cashier said to me. I just gave him a tight-lipped smile. "What's your name?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Evelyn," I tried to end the conversation bc it was getting weird. " I love that name very unique. I'm colby, " he said. The fuck how is my name unique I've seen so many people with that name.

" Can you just ring up my shit so I can go?" I asked, having an attitude. I'm just trying to go home. " Hey, I get off of work in a little. Do you wanna wait so we can hang out?  " colby said with a smile. I'm not waiting the fuck I'm trying to get my shit and leave. Let me go home, please. " Nah, I'm not waiting, plus I don't know you." I said, trying to get my shit rung up to pay.

His smile faded, but it was still there a little. " Well, can I still get your number? I wanna get to know you. We can hang out and get something to eat, maybe?" He suggested. " No, I don't wanna communicate with you after this. I just wanna go home. So ring my shit up so I can pay and leave." I said with very much attitude. His small smile turned into a mug. He rang my shit up, and I paid and walked out.

I walked outside and chilled for I minute checking my messages. I'll check everyone's messages right now except dd and notti's.

Big sissy ❤️‍🔥

Eve when you and the others are getting home? It's dark.

Me and the boys split up. I'm walking outside rn

Big sissy ❤️‍🔥
What Evelyn, that's not safe why you split up?

They pissed me off so I left. I'm not about to stay wit them when they doin too much

Big sissy ❤️‍🔥
Come home rn


Damn why she was mad.  I looked back to see that colby guy keep staring at me while on the phone. That's my cue to leave because hell no, that shit is how you die.

I started walking, which made me realize how far I am away from home. I was almost there when I felt people walking behind me. I looked back, and there was nothing there. I kept having that same feeling until I felt someone grab my arm and yank me to the ground.

" what the fuck?" I  Said confused. " so you think you gon reject me and think nothing gon happen to you?" Colby said. I stood up to see him and a bunch of his friends standing around me.  Ima get jumped, aren't I. " I rejected you because I don't want you." I said which I should have kept that to myself.

Colby friends grabbed both of my arms so I couldn't fight back. And colby started to punch me in my face and stomach. He gave me another good punch to my stomach, and that made me fall to the ground. I fell hold my stomach because that hurt so bad. They started to kick everywhere they could, including my face. They were going non-stop until colby grabbed me by my hair.

" So you gon say sorry and go out with me or are we gon keep going? Your pick, " he said with a smile, feeling accomplished? " suck my dick nigga" I said with angerm. He swung me into a  wall by my  hair. I swear I heard something crack

While all this was going on, one of these friends were recording the whole thing from when they grabbed me at first until now.

Notti's pov

We were in the car while buba dropped us off. " buba, you always start shit," I said while going on my phone.  We got home and went inside. Evelyn wasn't there, which I thought she would be since she left us a while ago. " Did you guys see Evelyn she told me she was walking home because you guys split up, " melz said, coming down the stairs.

We shook our heads. " No, we thought  she would be home right now." Dd said while I agreed. " GUYS, COME HERE RIGHT NOW." Jay yelled from his room. Melz. Dd and I ran up the stairs straight to his room. " Where is Evelyn? Where is she? " Jay yelled, panicking, which made me confused. " she said she was walking home. What’s wrong." I asked.

He handed us his phone with a video on it? It looked like it was on Instagram, and Jay was getting mentioned in so many videos off of so many different platforms. This video is going viral. Dd clicked play, and it was hard to see until the person recording turned on the flash. It was Evelyn talking to some dude.

Then they started attacking her? She was getting jumped and the person recording was laughing like it's fucking funny. Throughout the whole video, it was just her getting badly hurt. Then, at the end, the main dude had her by her hair. They started talking til she said " suck my dick nigga." Then he swung her into the nearest wall by her hair and started laughing while running away.

" what the fuck is this shit." I said starting to yell. " yooo what the fuck we gotta go right now. We have to go find her and take her to the hospital." Melz said, panicking. " Do you have her location?" I asked while we all ran to the car. " yea let me pull it up," dd Said in shock from what we just watched


SO I know this story is all over the place, but she did not go through everything that happened before I wrote this. I went to a different approach, and I kind of like this better than before. Hopefully, we are going in a different direction. I hope you like this and I'm still fixing some things with this story


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