chapter 6

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" Eve, why do you got on a hoodie and gloves?" My mom asked me. " cause I'm cold," I told her. While dd and notti know ima get caught. " Take that shit off now bc I know you hiding something, and if it's bad, I swear on my life ima beat yo ass " my mom said, yelling while everyone was in the room watching. I slowly took them off, and she saw the tatto. She looked hella mad.

" Ma, it's not tha-" she cut me off. " EVELYN DIOR REYES IMA BEAT YOUR ASS WHO TF SAID YOU COULD GET A FUCKING TATTO?"   She yelled at me.

I just stood there and took it bc I hate being yelled at by adults, and I know I'm not getting out of this shit. " Answer your mother rn, or your beating is gonna get worse" my step-dad, Jackson, said to me. Bitch who tf is you talking to you not whooping me.  I still didn't answer her, and my siblings were trying to help me by saying they did bc they know when my mom is mad and whoops us it hurts hella bad. " i know yall did not when you know how I react, so ima giving one more chance to tell me before ima make it hella worse," my mom said

I still just stood there bc I didn't know what to say. She just laughed and grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to her room and threw me on the bed. Don't worry. She doesn't abuse us. You know how black and Dominican moms act. " I want next on whooping her after you," jackson said, but then the boys stepped in. " You are not her parent, so  you're not touching her," Jay said, defending me from him. " Nah, I don't care what I am," he said back. " Touch her, and you won't be able to walk bc we broke both legs," jstar said.

" NO MA IM, SORRY PLEASE DONT. PEASE."  I begged her bc her hits hurt hella bad, and she is really mad rn. She started whooping me, and I was wearing thin pants, so you could definitely feel that shit like I got nothing on even when I do.  You could hear the belt hit my ass from miles away bc of how hard she was hitting.

Notti pov

Eve was getting her whooping rn, and you could hear that shit hit her. You could also hear her loud ass crying and sobbing. I felt bad, but  I knew that was going to happen.

" Yo, dd you hear that shit?" I asked him. "yea, I feel bad real shit." He said. Jackson got up laughing about to go upstairs, whispering that it's about to be his turn to whoop her. "Hell, Nah, where tf are you going? Melz said

" ima go whoop her. What do you mean?" He said. We all got up real fast until we heard silence, then mom came down and put the belt down. " Jackson ima go out for a little bc I need air from all of this anger I think I went too hard on her so you better not think about whooping her or touching her  or it's up idc if she made me mad your not allowed to put your hands on her. My mom told him. He smacked his lips. My mom left, and I wanted to get a check on her, but mom said not to bc she is grounded and she needs a minute from the whooping.

After 30 minutes, I go up there and see her still crying. 

Eve pov

I was still crying bc my ass is going to be hurting for days.


I have been asked to do one of those car  videos, so I will tomorrow after exams. But I need more ideas, and I need an idea for the car video. What should the car video be about?

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