Chapter 2: The pals

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Denis' POV: i wake up to my light being turned on. It was so bright i wanted to hide under the covers but my mom got me out of bed. It was my first day of highschool today... Atleast i am with my childhood friends! One more year and we get to live together.. i can finally leave this house! Not that any of us turn 18 next year or something but we're getting help from an adult.

I grab my school uniform and put it on. Im lucky blue is my colour or else I would've hated this. I mean what exactly is the point of a uniform again? Well doesn't matter.

I put everything i need in my backpack and get downstairs greeting my mom again who made me breakfast. See i love my mom but she's not fully healed yet so we have some arguments here and there.. .. .. alot of arguments

I finish my breakfast and wave my mom goodbye rushing to the bus stop greeting my 4 friends! Alex, Sub, Elijah and ofcourse.. Corl! I'm a bit scared that highschool is going to change all of us. I mean corl already has a way different atmosphere around him, Elijah has been getting in this brain rotting skibidi toilet stuff.. i think Alex is seeing someone and sub.. well he's just sub, he doesn't talk much and sometimes i suspect that hes a robot.

The bus arrives and we all get inside. Elijah made us sit in the back and starts a conversation, i wasn't really listening i just looked out the window lost in thoughts.. i wish i had my headphones.


Elijah's POV: I'm so excited for school that i just drag my friends with me to the back of the bus sitting down. I leaned towards Alex so i could talk better with him.

"Sooo Alex how is ur sister" i say with a grin on my face. I think Alex his sister is really pretty but i never got the nerves to ever speak to her whenever I'm hanging out with Alex.

"She's okay, why do you care exactly?" He replies in this confused tone that i find funny since his british accent has gotten worse ever since we're all going through puberty.

"Juuusttt curious!" I smile then looked towards sub and corl who are playing tic tac toe on subs sketchbook. Then i look at denis whose just looking outside the window

"Hey Denis!" I wait for him to turn and respond but he doesn't

"Denisss?? DENIS"

"whuh- what? Sorry-" Denis turned to look at me with a slight worried look

"Are you okay?" As i ask this the other three also look at denis

"Yea I'm fine don't worry I'm just- uhh just wondering how my sister is holding up.. yeahh" he says turning back to the window

"Oh okay, don't worry i bet she's doing okay" i respond before going on my phone to check the school schedule.


The bus arrives at school and they all get out to walk into the school, they were one of the first few to arrive since the bus was pretty quick.

"Do you guys have everything needed?" Alex asks as he stands by elijah as they share the first class together.

"I sure do! how about you denis?" Elijah asks with a big smile on his face holding onto his backpack with two hands

"Mhm" denis replied shortly after. he then walked off from the group into the school not even looking back.

"Damn whats his issue" corl said as he leans against one of the walls. "We have lots of time he could've just stayed with us" he sounded pretty annoyed but it was whatever.

"Its okay! Maybe he is still tired, you know how denis is!" Sub said smiling while fixing his shoe laces.

"Meh i guess" corl stood up normally while elijah and alex waved corl and sub bye to go find their lockers.

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