Chapter 7: Prom

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The time has finally come, prom is happening and most of the students are there, even the ones from the girl school!


Kreekcraft's POV: i sat in one of the corners secretly hoping tanqr would ask me to dance or something.. i know thats silly and probably wont happen since the students will see but i-

"ohh mr kreeeek whats on your minddd" i hear someone say, i look to my side and see kaden there.

"Nothing Kaden, why?" I sit up more straight to be a 'professional' principal.

"You were staring at Tanqr and you seemed to be lost in thoughts! And according to my statistics you-" i cut him off quickly.

"That's completely nonsense and a bold claim!"

"But i haven't even said anything yet.."

"You've said enough, now you go ahead and go to your friends.."

"Fine fine" Kaden says as he walked away from me. I sigh and relax as prom was officially starting in 4 minutes.

When it started, tanqr sat next to me. I felt nervous for some reason but it was stupid. Tanqr was just a friend to me and-

"Everything going as you planned so far?" He suddenly spoke to me.

"Yeah, i suppose it is. Couldn't have done all of this without your help" i look at him with a smile before looking back at all the students having fun and being chaotic.

I saw tanqr shrug in the corner of my eye before he handed me a drink.. i wonder if tanqr has a partner seeing as he doesn't wear a ring, I'm guessing hes not married.. so doesn't that mean i have a chance...? What's his favorite kind of music? His favorite food? His favorite thing to do? Oh no, what am i even thinking?!! These are inpure thoughts kreek! Get it together.. i cant set a proper example for my students like this!! But.. if i just ask what his favorite food is.. thats okay right? Okay! Yeah just act natural kreek. I tell myself before turning to tanqr.

"Hey tanqr?"

"Whats up kreek" he replied looking back at me

"Sorry i just had a question"

"Go on"

"Are you dating anyone?" Wait... WAIT. WHAT DID I JUST ASK?!! AM I STUPID?! REALLY THAT DAMN STUPID?!! .. i panic but try and still keep natural for the most part.. it was hard but tanqr didn't seem to notice! I think.. i hope..

"uhm, no im- not..." Tanqr replied .. quite calmly, thats a relief..

"Sorry for asking such rude question" i look down at my drink.

"Dont worry about it" he says as he finishes his drink.

This is going to be an awkward night..


Alex's POV: i was waiting at the front of the school for sub to arrive since we were going together. As expected, nicolas walked over to me.. i suppose this is a good time to breakup?

"Alex alex guess what!"

Or maybe not..

"What is it nic?"

"I got two tickets for a movie! We can go together!" He showed them on his phone and i sighed.

"Im breaking up with you and im being serious.." i just said straight to the point yet a little nervously. There was a really long silence, he was frozen.. speechless even, i looked away from him awkwardly since he just stood there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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