Chapter 3: The beginning. . .?

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Today was a nice day, there were friend groups everywhere! wonder what will happen today..


Temprist was putting on his rollerskates that fit perfectly with his girls uniform, he looked into the mirror to see if everything is right and then he grabbed his headphones and bag to head out.

He was listening to a thousand miles as he skates to Kaden's house. When he arrives kaden was waiting there happily, Temprist took off his headphones and hugged Kaden.

"Kaden!!!"  He says happily

"Temprist!!!" Kaden hugs him back
"Ready to go pick up Dani?"

Temp nods "mhm! get on my back" he says

"Is that safe?"

"Just get on"

Kaden hesitated but then nodded and got on temprist his back, temprist holds kaden and skates to Dani's house.


Dani's POV: i saw Temprist and Kaden arrive in the distance. I giggle to myself as soon as i see how chaotic they looked right now..

I waved at them. Kaden got off of Temprist and ran to me so he could give me a hug

"DANII!!" Kaden said as if he was cheering me on for a game then let go of me.

"Hii dani! Is denis not here?" Temp asked me confused.

"Ah no he moved out a few days ago.. im pretty sure he's living with his friend group now!" I answered before putting on my backpack

Temprist nodded and then stretches "I'll see you guys at school!!" He said that as he skated off happily. Temprist is one of my best friends but kaden is my bestest at the moment!

Speaking of that... Kaden is going to quickly show me around at school today! Since well, uhh im a first year and he's a second year...

"Lets go Dani" Kaden said as he started to walk to school.

I followed him and we had some random conversations about school.


The two of them arrive at school and walk to temprist.

"Oki temp im going to show Dani around, are you going to the others?" Kaden asked smiling sweetly at him

"Sure am! Good luck out there" temp said before going inside

Kaden showed Dani around the school and such. Meanwhile with Temprist...


Temprist's POV: i was skating inside towards my locker but then Janzen stopped me.

"Temprist.. dress code! You're wearing the wrong uniform again" Janzen crosses his arms

"Oh come on please just let it slide! It doesn't hurt anyone does it?" I said pleading.

He stood there in silence for a moment before speaking again, he lets out a sigh. "Fine. Go ahead"

"Thanks Janzen!" I smile before making it to my locker switching my skates with the schools uniform shoes.

I then walk over to Albert and Miles.

"Where's Jake?" I ask looking around.

"Hes probably late again." Miles groaned. You guys stay here I'll go to his house!

"Woah man! First of all!! You're going to be late for class and two, how are you even going to get in his house?" Albert replied to him as he leaned against the wall.

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