Chapter 5: Rumors and stuff

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Tw/cw; mention of grooming and suicide(not too bad dont worry, its just a small mention i know these two words sound horrible together but i promise its not what it seems 😭)

Denis' POV: i wake up to the Doorbell ringing. I get up yawn whilst walking to the door to open it.. i rub my eyes and look at the person standing in the doorway, it was my step sis Dani! I dont know who i was expecting but it definitely wasn't her. I smile and welcome her inside.

"What are you doing here Dani?" I ask while i walk towards the kitchen to grab a drink.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to school together!" She said smiling confidently as she lets herself fall onto the couch.

I turn towards her. "Don't you walk with Kaden and Temprist?"

"Well yeah but, you always look so sad walking with corl! And since he's already at school i don't want you walking on your own you know!"

I smile at her and grab her a drink aswell before walking to the couch and sitting next to her. "Thats really nice of you Dani! ...are you sure your friends wont mind?"

"Of course not! Why would they?" She chuckled before chugging the cup of water i gave her.

"Oh well, you know because of all of the rumors and Albert and- just... I don't know" i look down at my own cup.

"Dont be silly!" She gave me a huge grin and patted me on the back. "I'm sure they'll adore you!" She gets up and looks around. "You go get ready!!"

"Okay.. just- don't touch anything, most these things don't belong to me."

"Got it!"

I walk to my room grabbing my uniform and putting it on. I fix my hair a little and stuff my headphones in my backpack just in case.. i walk back and suddenly see Dani setting breakfast on the table.

"What are you-"

Dani turns to me and smiles brightly. "I knew you weren't going to eat breakfast so i decided to make some! Hope you dont mind!"

"No i don't mind but- whatever.. thanks" i smile and walks towards her taking a seat.

A few minutes later Sub came out of his own room yawning. "Good morning Denis- and... Dani?" Sub was clearly confused on why she was here.

Dani's face lit up and she gasped softly before running up to sub and admiring his robotic like features. "Oh my gosh!! You're so.. so ... SO CUTE!" She held subs cheeks before looking at the key behind his back and idolizing him for just a few moments.

I got a little embarrassed at this and motion a sorry sign to Sub.

Sub chuckled and gave me a 'dont worry' sign back.

A bit later, Me and Dani walked out meeting up with Temprist and Kaden to walk to school together. Honestly this was better than walking with Corl and i could get used to this! But, i wont bother to ask them to walk to school with them more often since i dont want to make anything awkward.


Dani's POV: we arrive at school and i wave goodbye to the three of them since well- I'm a year younger sadly. I run off to my class and accidentally bump into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going f- oh its a girl.. heyy! Whats ur name!" The guy says as i rub my head and look up at him to see who it is.

"Huahh..? Ohh! Oh! Im Dani!! You're corl right??" I smile at him, it's always so exciting to meet new people! Especially when they're a friend of my brother!

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