Chapter 6: Sleepover

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Its finally Friday! All students are free to leave after 3 pm.

Denis woke up to corl suddenly following his vent account, uh oh thats not good.. he has to play it cool tho since he doesn't want to seem suspicious.

Albert woke up too early so he tried bothering jake and kaden by spamming them but both of them are obviously still asleep.

On the other hand, teachers are setting up some things for next week. Next week there will be an activity week and on saturday there will be a prom! They still need some of the students to help them out. Tanqr walks up to a list of the students and just circled random students. Jake, miles, corl and Jandel will help set up the prom.

Welp, school opens and Janzen is the first to arrive with a few others..

Janzen's POV: I walk inside the school going towards my locker to put my unnecessary stuff in it. I then am greeted by Mr Tanqr who wanted to speak with me. I was afraid I might've done something wrong but i cant recall doing anything bad.. i follow him into his office.

"Am i in trouble?" I ask sitting down on the chair across his desk.

"You in trouble? Of course not silly, i called you in because you will be helping setting up prom along with 3 other students if you're alright with that." He grabs some papers showing me the schedule.

"But that means i will miss out on 3 classes?" I look up at him confused.

"Yeah, but don't worry thats totally okay! We have already discussed it with your teachers."

I nod in agreement "so with who am i working?"

"Jake, Corl and i believe it was Miles. They're all in some of your classes i believe"

This is going to be hell.. this must be the most non serious group ever. "Thats alright, should i let them know sir?"

"If you want you can, spares me some time"

I get up and nod "i wont disappoint you" i say while walking out his office. I will just find them in order, meaning I'll have to find Jake f- i get interrupted by Miles who jumps in front of me.


"Shhh!!! Calm down Miles"

"Sorry.. its just elijah uhh.. nevermind"

"What happened with elijah?"

There was a long silence, i then see miles step away and turn around, i look where he's looking and its Elijah who's soaking wet.. he looked angry and seemed to be glaring at Miles.

"Oh my god i am not involving myself in whatever this is." I say as i hand Miles the papers and walks off trying to find Jake.

"WAIT!- shucks.." i hear miles say before i walk around the corner. I see Albert so i walk up to him since he's always with Jake. "Hey Albert have you seen Jake around?"

Albert turns around to look at me he looks rather annoyed.

"Oh uh, did anything happen?" I look around but theres absolutely no clues to why he looks annoyed. Albert then started shaking me.


"Oh my god calm down!- suspect of what?" I push him off of me. I really dont understand what is up with people today, i mean sure its friday but come on.

"It's best i dont tell you.."

"Ok, wheres jake"

"Ok??? janzen why are you never interested" Albert groans

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