Chapter 1: Very first day

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Alberts POV:
"Okay... first day of high school i got this!" i was very worried that i wouldn't make any friends since i do not know anybody. all the worrying made me trip in front of the entire school. that was so embarrassing that i just started tearing up because of it. Then i looked up to see another student standing in front of me.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked me.
i wiped my tears and nodded "y-yeah I'm fine...".

The boy then smiled and helped me up "I'm Janzen by the way! we can be friends if you want to, you can sit with me at lunch and I'll show you your lessons!"

i was relieved there was at least someone that i could be friends with. "okay, thank you.. I'm Albert" i said as we walked into the school together.

There were so many new faces, i dont recognize ANYONE at all. I'm glad Janzen went up to me! even though he... uhm he kind of looks like a nerd to be completely honest... That doesn't really matter though, he's a really nice guy and i bet we'll stay friends! we hit it off well. Then suddenly some sporty looking guy comes running in.

"OKAY FELLAS WHERE DO I MEET RONALDO HERE?!" The guy yelled out while looking around. i looked at Janzen and saw that he looked really annoyed with this. he walked over to the guy and started speaking to him.

"Ronaldo is not at this school. Also please dont shout in the hallways." Janzen sounded stern as if he was a hallway monitor or something... is he one? I'll ask him that when its the right moment.

"ohh, okay sorry! can you show me where the sports club is?" the blond boy sounded like he was excited to talk to Janzen for some reason.

"isn't this your first day here...? Clubs are like.. 1 or 2 weeks after" Janzen let out a sigh afterwards while crossing his arms.

"well uhm, yeah sorry again i guess. hey what's your name by the way? I'm Miles!" he smiled widely at Janzen. as they talked and introduced i kind of just stood there awkwardly, at the end of the hall there were two other students. One guy with red hair and glasses and a taller guy with a mask and... a girls uniform on? whatever that doesn't concern me anyways, I've seen the two of them outside before though, but i never interacted with them.

"This is Albert." i suddenly hear Janzen say. i look over at Janzen and Miles again and waved awkwardly and all i said was "hi.." god i look stupid if i keep this up they will think I'm some sort of loser.

"Nice meeting you both! Hope to see you in some classes!" Miles says as he playfully hit Janzen before walking off.

"I hope he's not always like this" Janzen said annoyed before looking at me "let me continue showing you around"

"Yea, Thanks Janzen" i replied, i thought Miles was a pretty cool guy! I wonder what today will be like.


Kaden's POV! (A few min back) :
"Shoot im late! I hope Temp isn't mad at me" i quietly said to myself before rushing to get ready for school almost forgetting my pencil case. I think the pens in my pencil case are the best thing I've bought so far! Anyways- i probably should head out now.

As i walk outside im greeted by my best friend Temprist. we've been friends since kindergarten along with our friend Dani. Dani is one level below us so she's not in our school yet sadly.

"Hi Temp!" I greeted him with a big smile. If i'm going to be honest im really eager to meet new people and learn new things...

"Hiya kaden!" He replied back fixing the mask he made himself, it looked really silly but it fits his personality perfectly! Something that I've noticed is that he was wearing the girls uniform for some reason? But I'm not going to question it. He looked great in it!

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