12 ~ Birthday or Trauma

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After three months~
Avni's Pov~
I got ready and rushed downstairs to leave for college, today is my graduation ceremony so I'm very excited for that.
Never thought this college phase would end one day..
"Mumma I'm leaving!!", I said and quickly wore my shoes.
"Accha bring some bread and cheese while coming back", Mumma said.
"Sure, message me once after sometime whatever you want, for now I'm getting late bye", I said and quickly rushed outside.

I sat in the car and drove off towards my college, soon I reached there and as I got off from the car I heard a ting sound from my phone. I checked a message and my face shined with a smile.

Ved : Congratulations Sweetie, will see you soon after your graduation ceremony...

I switched off the screen and walked inside the campus and met my friend Manya. We both sat in the class until professor finsihed his boring wishes and then went out in the corridor. I felt sad after looking at the campus and said,
"I'm not able to believe it finally we are leaving all this and new batches will come here in our place", I spoke.
"Agreed we all shared so many memories here together will miss that so much", Manya said and I nodded.
Pov ends~

Author's pov~
Mahir just entered in his company and everyone greeted him. He walked towards his cabin in a royal blue suit with a white shirt beneath it. His hairs are well set and as usual girls were drooling over him.
He removed his suit once he enters his cabin and puts it on the couch.
"May I come in Sir", Rashi asked and Mahir nodded.
"Here is your schedule for today", She said and handed him the tab.

He looked at the screen and scrolls through it. Then he hands it back to her and sat on his chair.
"Please Delay the meeting which is after a few minutes, I don't want to take any meetings right now", Mahir said and took a deep breath to which Rashi nodded and walked out. After a few minutes he heard another knock on the door and closed his eyes in frustration.
"Come later I don't want to-", He was about to speak but stopped after hearing a sweet voice.
"You sure?", Aakriti asked after opening the door and walking in towards him.

Mahir's Pov~
I was actually quite tired today and just wanted to stay silent and free for sometime so I delayed the meeting too. A smile crept on my lips after hearing Aakriti's voice and I opened my eyes to glance at her. She was wearing a dark red dress which reached till her knees with black heels and her hairs were left opened which bounced on her shoulders as she walked towards me. My heart skipped a beat and I kept staring at her until she stood in front of me and raised her eyebrows which made me come out from my thoughts.

"Suddenly?", I asked her in confusion because she usually doesn't comes here that too without informing.
"Happy Birthday", She said with a smile and kept the roses which she had in her hands on the table. It hits me suddenly that today is my birthday, I totally forgot. This girl is the best...I just love her so much. I stood up and held her waist.
"Thank you", I said and our noses touched each other's.
"Only flowers?", I said while picking her up and made her sit on the table.
Pov ends~

Aakriti's Pov~
My heart raced when he said that I knew what he meant by those words. My cheeks heated up when he puts my few strands behind my ear.
"Yaah I'm poor think about me too also these are expensive okay", I said while pouting and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I never said I wanted a Porsche or something", he said in his deep voice and I could feel his hot breath on my neck which made me feel butterflies all over my body. I looked in his deep orbs, he moves his face more close and his lips pressed on my neck. Blood rushed through my spines when his lips sucked my flesh and my eyes felt heavy due to the proximity. His hands worked on my waist and he bits my flesh suddenly making me gasp and I pressed my lips to controll the voices which were stuck in my throat.

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