22 ~ Redamancy

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Avni's Pov~
I looked at myself in the mirror and then at the earrings lying over the dressing table. I got confused about which one I should choose. After a few minutes of staring at them I felt hands around my waist and my gaze turned towards the mirror only to find Ved standing behind me.

I smiled through the mirror and he stared at me with a little smirk.
"Beautiful...", He whispered in my ear and soon I felt his lips over my shoulder and his one sliding through my shoulders to my palm and then at a pair of silver earrings.

My lashes were forced shut due to the proximity and the thing he was doing to my shoulder made me feel butterflies all over my body. My cheeks turned hot pink and soon I felt nothing. My eyes twitched in confusion and I opened my eyes.

To my surprise there was no one in the room, I looked back and then again at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were red and I had a pair of silver earrings in my hands. Soon I realised I was imagining things.

"OMG Avni you're delusional!! Now you're imagining him wow..but what else can I do I can't help", I said and slapped my forehead before wearing the earrings. It was already 7:30 when I checked the time so I quickly wore my sandals and waited for some time.
Pov ends~

Ved's Pov~
I was actually feeling nervous and happy as well. Today I was finally about to propose to the girl I love for wedding. I did talk to Bhai and Bhabhi about this and they suggested so many plans but in the end I finally chose something special since she is crazy over VD. I remember once she told me about a movie in which VD proposed to the girl and Avni was very excited about it.

It was 7 pm, I was all ready and texted Avni to be ready by 8 pm.
"I'm feeling so nervous to talk to the girl I love", I said to myself and sighed.
After sometime I walked out of my room and went to Pick Avni.
Pov ends~

On the other hand Mahir was sitting on the sofa and there was silence for some minutes which made his heart race.
"So when is the wedding?", Mr. Sharma spoke suddenly making his eyes go wide in happiness and a big smile appeared on Aakriti's face.
"Papa aap...Arey yaar I love you", Aakriti spoke and kissed her father's cheek.

Mahir's happiness was on the seventh cloud and it all felt like a dream to him. Aakriti was so happy and her father blessed both of them. After some more talks it was already night.
"You go and get changed, then come for dinner okay?", Mr. Sharma said to Mahir and he just nodded.

Dhruv took Mahir to Aakriti's room and told him to get changed.
"I'll call you when It'll be time for dinner till then you can stay here", Dhruv said and smiled. He was about to leave but Mahir called him.
"Um Dhruv... would you do a little work of mine", Mahir said and Dhruv nodded.
"Can you...um.. I mean can Aakriti..", Mahir wasn't able to form words he was already so happy and quite nervous too.
"I'll send her", Dhruv giggled and left.

Mahir's Pov~
I closed the door and fell on the bed. I was feeling so happy I just can't explain my feelings in words at the moment. It all seems like a dream Godd Thank you!!!
I covered my face with the pillow and then thought to tell my mother about it she would be so happy. No wait...let me give her a surprise.
Pov ends~

Avni's Pov
I was sitting beside Ved while he was driving the car. I knew he was about to propose to me when he sent the dress but I don't have any idea how? where? when?
The curiosity was killing me from inside and here he was not at all driving fast or something. It's been fifteen minutes since we're driving but where???

"So you ain't telling me where we are going?", I asked with a little pout.
"To eat something", He said and I looked at him in confusion while his focus was on driving.
"To what?", I asked again I guess I heard wrong.
"To eat something at a restaurant Avni", He spoke and looked at me for a second before again focusing on the road.

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