In the Dark

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Nic took me upstairs to another room. It was big and had pink walls! I saw a bed in the middle of the room and Nic walked us over to it. He set me down on the side of the bed and dug through my bag until he found some pajamas.

"Are these okay for tonight Baby?"

I nod at my black button up pajamas, why does he keep calling me baby? I'm not a baby!

"Okay here you go. Do you need any help?"

I shook my head no, I am a big girl.

"Ok cmon" he held my hand and walked me over across my bedroom to a bathroom. I walked in and closed the door. I changed and met him once I opened the door again.

"Now we need to brush those teeth" he handed me my tooth brush and some tooth paste. I didn't know how to brush my teeth, mommy and daddy always did it for me.

I looked at Nic and he understood.

"Do you need some help? Here." He came over and got the tooth brush wet and put toothpaste on it. I opened my mouth and he held my chin while brushing all over my mouth.

He had me spit out the toothpaste and wash out my mouth with the plastic cup sitting beside the sink. Then he rinsed my toothbrush and put it in its holder.

"Ok now let's tuck you in." Nic picked me up and put me on the bed. He tucked me in under the covers and turned on a nightlight. He gave me a kiss on top of the head

"Sweet dreams Maize"

Then he flipped the light off and left my door cracked open. Leaving only the night light and the crack of hall like seeping in.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps walking past my door and a few doors shutting quietly. Then after a few more minutes the hall lights were flipped off. I clutched onto crushy and hid my body under my blankie. Then I finally fell asleep.


I woke up after having a BAD nightmare. Usually mommy and daddy would be in here or if not I could go to their room. They aren't here and neither is their room. So I need to be brave.

I rapped my blankie around me and held onto Crushy. I waddled over to the door and carefully opened it. I wandered down the hallway until I found some stairs. I decided to go down the stairs and see what was down there. I made it halfway down when I gave up and sat down. I ran out of energy so I just sat there and stared at the front door in front of me.

A few minutes had went by before the hall lights flipped on. I heard a few footsteps.

"Munchkin? Why are you on the stairs? You shouldn't be on the stairs alone." I didn't turn around to see who it was. I knew that Gio had found me.

He came down the stairs to where I was and picked me up. Once he had me in his arms, I peaked over his shoulder to see Atlas standing there in shorts.

"Did she have to go to the bathroom?" Atlas asks

"No Nic said that she went before bed. I doubt she'd have to go again. She hasn't had anything to drink."

"Maybe she was hungry or thirsty?" Atlas suggests. I shake my head.

"No? What was it munchkin?" Gio asks me.

I dig my head into his shoulder trying to hide myself.

"Hey, Maze. You can tell us. We just want to help you. What was it?" Atlas asks

"N-night m-mare" I stutter and burst into tears.

"Do you want to sleep in my room?" Atty asks. I nod in response.

"Okay come here" Gio climbs back up the steps. Atty takes me into his arms and carries me back to his room.

Atty carries me down the hall and past my new room. We make it to his bedroom and he opens the door. He sets me down and I slowly walk to the bed in front of me.

He watches while shutting the door behind him. He flips the lights off and picks me up again and sets me on the bed.

"T-th-thanks A-atty" I stutter giving him a slight smile as he tucks me into the bed next to him.

"Aw is that my nickname?" He asks. I shake my head yes in response.

"Yeah it's y-your n-nickyname!" I smile

"I have a question for you mushroom. You're talking to me- what's wrong with talking to Nic?" Atty is asking a lot of questions.

"N-Nic is scary. I j-just nervous. I h-have a nickyname now!" I exclaim. Atty looks at me and smiles back.

"Yes you do! And trust me Mushroom Nic isn't scary. He loves you a bunch! You should try to talk to him. I will come to. If you want he is probably awake right now?" I picked at my fingers more. I don't know..

"B-but what if h-he gets m-mad" I ask

"He won't trust me. Nic is a big night owl. The worst thing he will do is tell us to go to bed. Which wouldn't be bad." I slowly nod my head. I guess we can go talk to him.

"Okay. He's probably downstairs. Do you want to grabs Crush?" I nod and he hops out of bed before picking me up. then he grabs crush and my blanket. Wrapping me up and putting Crush in my hands.

"You ready? We will go watch some cartoons and he will most likely hear us and come in. Sound ok?" I nod my head.

"Sure Atty" I love love love cartoons!

We walk down stairs and into the living room. After a little bit of watching Little Guppies Nic finds us!

"What are you two doing down here?" Nic asks.

I am currently sitting in Attys lap while we are on the couch. I'm wrapped in my lap with crushy in my hands.

"Cartoons" Atty answers

"It's past your bedtime baby" he gives me a pointed look but I am too focused on bubble guppies to notice.

"Atty look!!!" I point at what's happening on the screen.

Nic came and sat next to us on the couch. I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up at Atty but saw Nic in the process.

"Are you going to say hi to Nic Mushroom?"

"hi Nic! Atty told me to talk to you. And this is Mr Crush or Crushy" I snuggle Crushy closer as I wait for Nic's response." 

"Hi Mazikeen. I'm glad Atty told you to." He looked at Atty and smirked.

"Shut up Nic!" Atty rolled his eyes.

"Atty that's not nice! Nic is just saying your nickyname!" I scolded

"Exactly!" Nic agreed.

"Whatever Nic" Atty looked down at me.
"Don't side with him little Mushroom"

"But Atty-" I started

"Okay! Time for bed you two. Let's go before Gio wakes up to you two arguing" Nic stood up and picked me, Crushy and my blanket up.

"You should give him a dirty look" Nic whispered in my ear.

I glared at Atty and rolled my eyes at him before Nic walked out of the room with me in his arm. We made our way back upstairs but this time we went to Nic's bedroom. He tucked me in beside him and I finally went to sleep.

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