Drunken State

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Xander hasn't always been the messed-up twin. It used to be the opposite actually.

I'd fight constantly with my siblings, parents and teachers. Then, when Mazie was taken by our aunt and uncle, I stopped.

Mom and dad were stressed, I thought I would help by shutting up and doing my schoolwork. Xander, did the opposite.

We all thought if she ever would return, it'd go back to how it was for him at least. 

Boy, were we wrong about that one. I have never seen such a messed-up kid. I have also never seen someone make Gio that mad.

After two hours of Gio yelling at Xander and Xander yelling back in response. Those two weren't even close to figuring out his school situation. And I am pretty sure that they woke up Maize and now Xander may or may not be drunk now. 

 Who am I kidding, Its Xander. He's completely drunk. With his 'secret' stash of random alcohol in his room.

Gio has been trying to get Xander's life away from the mafia and towards some better career. Xander on the other hand has always expected Gio hates him and doesn't care about him.

"Your drunk Xander. Go sleep it off and we can talk when you wake up." Gio tries to reason.

"I-I am not drunk you- you idiot. I just ca-an't stand you. W-with your perfect mafia and your perfect house and yo-youre perfect little family and perrrfecttt little life. Ge-t over you-rself Giov-anni" Xander stumbles over his words. 

about half an hour ago Xander insisted I come in Gio's office to tell Gio all about how he's fine and his grades an A if you squint at it. Ever since I told him it wasn't and he was drunk, agreeing with Gio. He has been trying to tell us he isn't.

"Xander come on, stop it." I try to get him to shut his mouth before Gio actually loses it.

Gio was yelling and now he's trying to shut up Xander. I can tell he's about to yell at him again though.

Now every time Xander's mouth open Gio gives an even more frustrated look.

"You know what Xander? I don't have a perfect life. If I had a perfect life, I wouldn't be anyone's guardian and I wouldn't have two dead parents. And our sister would never have been kidnapped and she wouldn't have that dumb cast. Oh, and you know what else? You would much better grades, you also wouldn't be in here drunk." 

Gio's eyebrows were furrowed, and he was ready to punch someone. I decided to take that as a hint to drag Xander out of Gio's office. I grabbed Xanders shoulders and pulled him out of the office. As I shut the door, I could hear Gio cussing and glass breaking.

"Great, what did you two do?" Nic pushed past us and opened the door before closing it behind him again.

"What the hell were you thinking Xander. Don't you think Gio has enough going on. And when did you have time to get drunk it's fucking late."

"Well dear brother-r I had time after I have no fucking clue and who gives a flying fuck. Gio can shove it up his a-"

"Shut your mouth Xander" I cut him off helping him climb up the stairs. 

"Stop talking Xavier you're making my head hurt" He glared back at me as he made it up the last step.

"Sounds like a you problem. Maybe you should stop getting drunk at any inconvenience in your life" I snapped back.

"It seems to help. You should try it Xavier. It calms my nerves just enough" He stumbles behind me as I open his door. I let him walk in before me and go to his bed.

"I am not trying it. Your room is disgusting by the way. If Maize sees all of these beer bottle, I will punch you in the face." I look at the ground by his window. 

"You wouldn't do that to your twin would you Mr IwannabejustlikeGiowhenIgrowup" I grab him by the collar and throw him at the wall.

He slides down the wall laughing.

"I do not want to be like Gio." I growled.

He slowly picked himself up and walked over to me.

"You're supposed to stick up for me Xavier."

"It's hard to stick up for you when you act like this Xander. You're an asshole" I shook my head and walked back towards the door.

"Get it together Xander. You're a fucking mess." I slammed his door behind me. 

As soon as I got back to my room I found a mini human hidden in my bed. When I came out of my bathroom in Joggers and a random shirt, I heard a squeal. 


Then a little face came out of the sheets.

"What are you doing in here?" I flipped the lights off and got in bed beside her little frame.

"I-I wen-t to Gio's r-room b-but nobody's there! S-so I came I-n he-re" She snuggle in bed next to me with her head on my chest.

"I am glad you came in here Maize" I looked towards her.

"I-s Xander-er oka-y" She asked.

"He just had a rough day. He'll be okay" I brushed it off. "Don't worry about it, just go to sleep."

"Okay, n-night"

"Good night"

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