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"There she is! My favorite sister!" That doesn't make any sense. I'm their only sister! I peeked out and saw Bubby, Atty, Luca and Xander in the kitchen looking towards us.

I think it was Atty who said that. He was looking right at me.

"Why don't you show them your cast? It's super cool!" Xavier added.

"I want to see!" Luca said coming towards me and rubbing my back like Xavier had.

When he saw it he looked at Gio and raised an eyebrow.

"It's a long arm cast. It was a break in her upper arm" he said flatly.

"Such a cool cast Maize!" Luca added. I went back into hiding until someone stole me from Gio.

I looked up and found Bubby holding me.

"Atty, Bubby, do y-you think my cast is c-cool?"

"Super duper cool!"
"Really cool."

My face lit up.

"Well I think that it's past your bed time missy. We will watch a movie tomorrow. How does that sound?" Gio asked.

"M'not s-leepy Gio!" I yawned. Dang it! I rubbed my eyes.

"You aren't?" He asked

"Nope.." my eyes just kept shutting slowly. And then I'd open them.

I later my head on Bubbys shoulder.

"Ok let's go" Bubby carried me out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into my room. We went and Bubby picked out a pair of white shorts. And a comfy shirt for me to sleep in.he carefully took off my dress and slid on the shorts. Then he carefully slid the short sleeved shirt over my cast.

We went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Do you want to sleep with me or in here?" He asked.

"In h-here" I mumbled. He went and got my Belle blanket. Then I got into bed and he laid it on top.

"Goodnight Baby."

"N-night Bubby."

He walked out and shut off the lights. He left the door cracked open like last night.

For a few minutes I moved around trying to get comfy. But the cast wasn't helping.

I got up from the bed and sat on the floor leaning against my bed.

I grabbed crush and was talking to him

"Crush. I wan-want this cast off. I ca-can't have it on for another-r day! I can't e-even hold-d onto you with this s-stupid hand!" I explained. The door made a noise and I jumped a little bit. I looked at it and watched as it opened.


"What are you doing up Mushroom?"

"This cast i-is dumb!" I grumbled.

"Dumb? Where'd you learn that from?" He came in and crouched down beside me. Next to my casted arm.


"It's not dumb Maze." He gave me a strict look.

"B-but I can't even hold crush with-th this hand an-anymore and I can't u-use it anymore!"

"I know you want to do it yourself but we are here to help you. So if you ever need anything one of us is usually with you."

I huffed.

"I c-can't s-keep with it on either-r."

"Do you want to come sleep in my bed?" I nodded. He stood up and so did I.

"Can you get Belle?" I looked at my Belle blanket.

"Of course." He picked it up and took crush out of my hands. I followed him to his bedroom. We walked out in the hallway and I saw Bubby, Luca and Gio who gave Atty a weird look.

I just walked right behind Atty. We got into his room and he lifted me onto his bed. He was taking his shirt off but I was struggling yet again to get comfy.

Atty walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow from on the chair in the corner of his room. I never really looked around his room before.

He has three different doors. The one we walked through, a closet and a bathroom. He has two windows and his bed is in one corner while he has a chair across from it. He also has a desk and a tv hanging on the wall. On the floor there was a rug over the wood floor.

I was laying on his bed. On the side closest to the wall. So that atty had room on the other side. Atty brought the pillow over to the bed.

"Here lift up you arm" I lifted up my casted arm and watched as Atty set the pillow under it. As he was moving it to fit right Gio came in.

Then Atty pushed my arm down onto the pillow.

"Thanks Atty!" He patted my head like a dog. Weird. Then he turned around and saw Gio.

"Why is she still up?"

"I found her sitting by her bed talking to crush about her cast. I think she was having a hard time falling asleep. I mean that things big. It has to be uncomfortable"

"I-it's dumb!" Gio's head snapped to my face.

"Mazikeen. That's not nice. It's helping your arm heal"

"M'sorry Gio. It's itchy and I-I can't use th-this arm anymore!

"It's okay munchkin. And these weeks will go by fast!" I thought I was getting it off tommorow!

"Why n-not tomorrow?"

"You can't get it off for a few weeks Maze." Atty looked at me.

"Oh.. I t-thought tomorrow I could g-get it off" I frowned.

"Oh Munchkin.. Im sorry." Gio came over to the bed and brushed the hair out of my face.

"S'okay Gio. I j-just don't like it" I looked at my cast.

"Well it's past your bed time. So you better go to sleep. You didn't have a nap today either. You must be very tired" ew naps are the worst thing ever. My nose scrunched making Gio and Atty chuckle.

"Apparently she doesn't like naps" Atty smirks

"I don't like them" I mumble.

"Well, tomorrow you're gonna have one. We need to get little Miss Maize on a sleep schedule" Gio leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Don't think I-I need a sle-ep schedule!"

"Well I do."

"That's n-not vry nice Gio"

"Sorry Munchkin. Now go to sleep"

"Night G-gio!"

"Goodnight Munchkin. Night Atlas."

"Goodnight Gio"

Atty climbed into bed and Gio smiled at us. Then he walked out the door after turning off the lights.

"Comfy Maize?"

"Yup!" The pillow helped. Atty's so smart.


My eyes fell shut after a few minutes. Falling into a dreamy world.

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