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I woke up next to Nic. I came up with a nickyname for him to! I'm just going to call him Bubby. His name is wayyyyy to short.

He was on his phone, once he saw I was awake he put his phone on the table next to the bed.

"How'd you sleep?" I just shrugged. I don't feel like talking today.

"You hungry?" I nodded, I am starvingggggg! Mommy once told me that I get hangry whenever I am hungry. It's a funny name. And it works perfect! Hungry and Angry mixed equals hangry!

He picked me up and took me downstairs. I was still wrapped in my Princess Belle blanket and I have crush in my arms.

He made a ton of turns. I feel like we live in a Castle just like Cinderella. Or Anna and Elsa.

I closed my eyes and my head fell onto Bubby's shoulder.

"How'd she sleep?" I heard a voice ask. It sounded like the giant, Gio!

"Good. Still tired apparently" I squirmed trying to hide into Bubby more.

"Munchkin" slowly someone took me away from Bubby.

I started squirming and whimpering. I opened my eyes and looked towards Bubby. I made grabby hands but he was turned around and didn't see me.

"Munchkin you need to have breakfast." I looked up and saw Gio holding me.

"What do you want to eat?" Gio asked. I just looked at him. His eyes were like lasers! They were like ahhhhhhh! Melting me! He kept looking at me wanting me to answer. Instead I shrug.

"Not talking?" I start picking at my palms.

"Hey let's not do that. It's not good for your hands." I start to tear up. I didn't wanna make Gio mad.

"M's-sorry" a few tears start to trickle down my face.

"No no no Maize. Your okay. Don't cry"

Then I saw Bubby coming over. I hid my face into Gios neck.

"Should we bandage them up? Or we could ask the doctor Taylor to."

"Its fine. I'll ask him to today. The appointment is at one. I mentioned her arm. It's swelled up way more compared to last night."

Then I started full on crying. Doctors are scary. They give you shots. And they poke you with things. And shine lights in your eyes. And give you finger pricks! I hate finger pricks.

One time when I was- well a week or two ago I think. I had to had to go in a machine to see if I broke my arm. And I guess I did. I was s'posed to get a cast but mommy and daddy said it was to expensive so I didn't. My arm hurts a little bit so I try not to use it to much.

That doctor was nice and gave me a sticker after! But he still gave me shots a few other times I went to see him.

I look up to see all my brothers are standing there talking. It looks serious like they are doing busyness or somethin! I find atty who's standing next to Gio. I reach my pointer finger out and poke him.

He smiles at me and pokes me back. I would say Atty is my favorite brother so far! Even though he was a meany to Bubby last night.

I looked to Crush who was in my arms still.

"Crushy I t-told you to get candy!" I whispered to him.

I grumbled when he didn't answer.

"Maize? What's wrong?"

"Crushy w-won't answer me." I frowned. Xavier chuckled and I looked up at Gio.



"I d-don't like doctors"

"Munchkin, we just need the doctor to make sure your healthy"

"Bubby b-brushed m'teeth last n-night! And I th-think I'm health e-enough"

"Ha take that! I got a nickname." Bubby said in surprise. Xander, Xavier and Luca rolled their eyes.

"Shut up." Xavier muttered.

"Xavier." Gio shot him a look that told him he was being a meany.

"He's just jealous he doesn't have a nickname yet like her favorite brothers" Atty grinned.

"Anyways not the point. Munchkin, we just need the doctor to do a checkup. To make sure your eyes, ears and bones are all strong and healthy. Then when we are done we'll come back home and watch a movie or something!" I frowned at Gio's plan. I don't wanna go to the doctor!

"I-is he g-gonna give me shots?" I stuttered.

"Baby, don't worry about it. One of us will be there so even if you do it'll be okay." I slowly nodded. Bubby made it sound a little better.

Soon we all ate waffles for breakfast. We all Were sitting around the table. After Gio kept getting me to eat more and me refusing. Gio and I went upstairs and took a bath.

Then I got dressed. I was wearing a burnt orange dress that tied in the back with a bunch of blue and white flowers on it. Then I put on my Birkenstocks.

Bubby came in because Gio had a work call. So he helped me brush my teeth. He also put my hair into a ponytail.

Afterwards we went back downstairs. Gio was standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"You ready Maize?" I didn't answer. Mainly because of nerves. I started picking at my palms.

"Mazikeen." Gio used my full name. I don't want him to be mad but this is scary. The doctors gonna give me shots.

"It'll be okay. Here let's not pick at our hands okay? We're gonna make this as quick as possible." Gio pulled apart my hands while taking me out of Bubbys arms. I rested my head on Gios shoulder while tears welled up in my eyes.

Crush was still upstairs! Crush will get scared if he isn't with me. He'd be all alone and he'd get scared if the dark!

"Crushy is gone" I whispered. Gio heard me and looked at Bubby.

"Can you grab Crush. It might be in her room from when she got dressed."

"Sure" Bubby went upstairs. While he was up there i started to fall asleep.

My eyes were closed but I felt someone put something soft by my good arm.

Soon I was completely asleep.


Sorry guys. I'm not super obsessed with this chapter. I had writers block for a bit plus with work and school and exams I didn't have a ton of time to write.

Anyways!! Please comment and rate this!

Should I start doing a question each chapter?

Peace out guys!

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