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Maizes POV

I wake up in the car. Gio is the one driving and Xavier is next to him. I haven't talked to Xander a bunch or anything.

I look down and see Crush in my lap. I look out the window and saw a bigggggggg house. But it was a little bit smaller than my brothers house.

I have to go back to Mommy and Daddy's house at some point. I miss them. I heard talking but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I looked up and saw it was Gio and Xavier.

Gio looked in the mirror and saw me. He looked back over to Xavier and soon their talking stopped.

"How'd you sleep Maze?" Xavier asked.

"S'that m-my nickyname?" I was okay with it! It was like a corn maze or a hay maze or- actually I'm not sure about other ones but I like it!

"Yeah." He answered.

"Munchkin we're almost at the doctors okay?"

I huffed. Doctors are not nice.

"Someone's grumpy." I am not grumpy! That is r-ri-diculus or however you say it! They can have the silent Mazikeen now.

"We're here" The car stopped infront of the big house. I started squirming.

Nonononononononono I don't wanna get shots or or anything! No yucky medicine! Or shots or bandaides. I don't want any of it! I wanna go home and see mommy and daddy.

I didn't even see that Gio or Xavier had gotten out. Not until Gio came around the car and started unbuckling my car seat. I kept squirming around trying to get away.

"Maize. It'll be fine." He gave me a stern look and picked me up out of my seat. Tears started to build up in my eyes.

I still had Crush! He could protect me.

I hid into Gios shoulder. I heard a few doors open and shut while he was walking. I peeked up and saw Xavier walking behind us.

"Giovanni! Long time no see."

"Hey Doc."

"Is this the one you were telling me about?"

"Yes, this is Mazikeen. Maize for short"

"Okay well if you want she can sit on the table or on your lap. It doesn't really matter"

"Sounds good"

I felt Gio moving around. Then he sat down and adjusted me on his lap. Now I saw someone who was really scary with a white coat. It was the doctor.

I froze on Gio's lap.

"We wanted to get her arm checked out to. In her mom's note it said she fell like a couple days before she came to us. They had it checked out and it was I guess broken. But they didn't have an actual cast put on or anything. But it curves a tiny bit right here." Gio held my bad arm out and it was hurting.

I started crying a little bit even though he had let it go. I need Xavier to take me out of here and back to Mommy and Daddy.

"Yeah that looks broken. I'll look at previous
x-rays and then decide if she needs a cast or not. I'd say she is probably gonna need one."

"Okay. I asked the social worker to send all the medical files to you."

"Yeah I got them yesterday I'll look at those real quick."

I looked around and noticed that we were in a doctor's office it had a desk and a rolly chair and then it had a table that we were sitting on and Xavier was on a chair beside us.

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