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I walked out to the hallway meeting Luca and Nic.

"How is she?" Luca asks

"She's fine." I walk down the stairs and to my office.

"Are you going to tell her?" Nic follows me while Luca goes to his room.

"I should. But I'm just not sure how to explain it to her."

"I mean how do you explain it to a 4 year old." We walk into my office and I sit behind my desk while Nic sits across from me.

"The social worker told me, Aunt Karen and Uncle Brad packed a bag and told her to wait out on the front step. They wrote a note out set it in the counter called the cops and were shot." I sighed. "I'm assuming they did it to themselves"

Nic nodded.

"I don't know when or how I should tell her. She's only 4 and she's going through all of this. I mean her fucking arm was broken and now she has that cast. All because they wouldn't do it earlier. They said it was the money but I doubt it" I say leaning back in my chair.

"I'm hoping having a toddler in the house will help the boys." Nic crossed his arms.

"Hopefully. But we all have to stop acting like animals. I mean she's tiny. And she already has a broken arm. We all need to stop messing and be more of a family. That means no more bringing girls around the house, no more cussing and no more coming home drunk. And we have to start making a schedule with her" I stand up and go to a cabinet behind my desk.

"A schedule?" My brother asks.

"For her. I read in a toddler parenting book. They need a schedule. When she needs to be in bed. When she needs a bath. Which we still need to do. When she neeps to be taking a nap. That type of stuff."

"Ok. I feel like a reasonable time to get ready for bed is 9. And then have to be in bed by like 9:30."

"That sounds good. And on bath nights she should be getting ready at about 8:30 or so. Nap at like one? Maybe for about 2 hours or just whenever she wakes up." I grab a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet and grab two glasses.

"What about her arm. How long is the cast staying on for?"

"He said he'll check in about two weeks or so. Then he'll give us an estimate. He said as of now about 6-8 weeks." I set the glasses down and poured a bit of whiskey in both. "Maize is ready for it to come off." I passed one to Nic. And I sipped the other.

"I can imagine. She's gonna need our help to do everything."

"I think that she'll need all of our support. She still isn't talking regularly. And I can't tell if her stutter is getting worse or better. She obviously misses her 'mom and dad'. She doesn't completely trust us yet. Tomorrow I have to go to the warehouse and deal with a few people. I know you're gonna be busy with a meeting. So I'm leaving Atlas in charge." I say while finishing the glass.

"Sounds good." He drinks the last of his to.

"Well I should head to bed." I set the glass down and so does he. We both walk to our rooms and head to bed.

Sorry guys super short chapter. I wanted to try and make some things clearer. Also thank you for rating my story!

I'm going back to school tomorrow so between work and school I might not upload more chapters as much! I'll try to though.

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