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A/N: I appreciate your patience as I've been slow to update stories. I hope you enjoy this story!

Warnings: None, just the squad getting a day to relax. :)

When you wake up and begin to stretch a little bit, you immediately feel the soreness from your last mission. You hear the others in the squad chatting outside in the main area of the Marauder. You walk over to your belongings and put on some clothes, then walk out the door.

"Someone slept in." Hunter teases.

You start to panic. "Wait, do we have a mission today? You should've woken me up!"

"It's alright, Y/N. We don't have a mission today. After what happened last mission, I believe it's best if we lay low for a while." Hunter reassures you.

Omega looks around at all of you. "If we aren't going on a mission today, then what are we going to do?"

Tech looks up from his datapad. "We need to refuel. Ord Mantell is a reach for us, considering the amount of fuel we have, but I have found a suitable location that is closer."

"Set our course for there." Hunter instructs him.

Tech nods and sits down in his chair in the cockpit, putting in the coordinates.


You go back into your room. During that interaction with the squad, your mind was still racing, thinking about the events of your last mission.

I'm no Jedi, but maybe they're on to something with meditation. You think.

You gingerly sit down on your floor in a comfortable position. As you close your eyes, you just let your mind wander. Memories of what happened with Captain Kaldor play in your mind. You still can't get yourself to fully believe it. Your enemy, Captain Kaldor, saved you.

It still doesn't make sense. I mean, he's probably right. Dad wouldn't care all that much if I was killed, especially by one of his best soldiers.

As that thought crosses your mind, a wave of sadness hits you. You think about the way the squad treats Omega. She's like their daughter. Why couldn't your father do that? Why did he have to leave? You open your eyes and stand back up. Your meditation was going fine until you thought about your father.

Maybe this whole meditation thing isn't for me...


After a while, an unfamiliar feeling hits you. Usually you're perfectly fine being alone, but now you feel... isolated. Something about hearing the squad outside, laughing and chatting together, makes you feel so alone in your small room.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Echo asks.

"Yeah." You respond, partially lying. "I'm good."

"We should be landing fairly soon." Tech states.

"I'm excited!" Omega smiles. "We've never been to this planet before."

"Do we need our chain codes, Tech?" You ask.

He nods. "Yes. We'll use the ones with our fake identities."

You're kind of curious as to what your alias is. Something badass... Something like-


"Daisy Hartley." The man scanning your chain code states.

"Daisy Hartley?" You whisper to Tech.

"I did not choose the names." He whispers back.

"Soren Slade." The man says to Tech.

"Are you kidding me?!"

Something to Prove (A Bad Batch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now