Chapter 4

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  He thinks I'm feisty. I can't help but feel proud that he thought that. I watch as he gets back to the horses and rides off. I don't want to look at the killer that I'm standing next to. I can't bring myself to do it.

"Come one," He says, taking my wrist in his hand pulling me towards the mansion that was in front of me.

I should run, I'm going to run I think. I look around, I can faintly see the outline of a town. I can make it there. I was always a fast runner. I was always able to beat my brother, surely I could beat him. Then once I reached the town I could hide in some store and look for help.

His grip was loose on me as he approached the big gates that separated the rest of the world from the mansion. This could be my last chance. I'm going to do it.

I pulled my hand out of his grip and started sprinting. I thought I heard him laugh. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I almost felt relieved when he didn't catch me at first but soon I felt his hands grip my waist and pull me into him. I froze, stupid,stupid,stupid. I was dead,I knew I was dead. He leaned his head down putting his lip right next to my ear.

"Nice try darling, but it's not that easy to escape." He let go of my waist and grabbed my upper arm firmly now and dragged me to the mansion. He hasn't killed me, I was still alive.


He dragged me into the house and I couldn't help but look around in amazement. It looked like we are in some huge castle. I can't help but think about my home. Maybe my dad decided he would give me a second chance, maybe he would come and try to save me, maybe he knew were I was but I doubt it. I look around and take in my surroundings,everything is white, the walls, the chandelier that hangs above (Of course not the candles, but still). The stairs are also white and I notice that they lead up to a hallway with a lot of doors. There was a big opening to the side that looked like it led to a dining room. Even though I lived in a castle my whole life this was still pretty neat to see.

I quickly shook myself out of it though as I realized that I probably would probably die in this house.

"Pretty Isn't It?" He asked. I could feel him looking at me but I was frozen in fear. Was he trying to trick me or something?

"No it looks horrid." I state. I don't know where I got the bravery to say that but I did anyway and I expected him to snap my neck right there but he only let out a deep laugh. I was surprised but I didn't let it show.

"Here i'll show you to your room," He said. My room? I don't know what i was expecting but it wasn't this. I was expecting to maybe sleep on a floor somewhere.

I heard the click of him locking the front door behind me. He let go of my wrist and I was left watching him walking towards the stairs.

I didn't want to follow. He would probably lock me in a room and starve me like my parents did. I shuddered at the thought. I looked back at the front door to see if there was any possible way to unlock it but of course it looked like you needed a key.

As he started to ascend the steps he looked over at me. He smirked as he noticed my fear.

"Don't worry,"He said. "I won't hurt you." I almost laughed. He WON'T hurt me, I wanted to believe him but I knew I couldn't.

I slowly walked forward and once he saw I was coming he continued up the stairs. I tried to keep my distance but it was a little hard since he was waiting for me at the top. Once I reached the top he put a hand on the small of my back making me instantly flinch.

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