Chapter 31

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  "Wake up Cleo," Avila sings as she taps my face with her hand. I groan, slapping her hand away.

"Leave me alone," I wine when she starts tapping my shoulder.

"I have something for you," She squeals. I sigh as I sit up turning towards her. "Happy Valentine's Day!" She says handing me a book.

Oh no, I completely forgot about Valentine's day. I look down at the cover to see a shirtless man on the cover. Tattoos cover his toned chest and abbs. I quickly look away faking a disgusted look.

"What is this?" I say as I fake vomit.

Avila laughs," I thought you wanted to know how to give head."A smirk graces her face as she walks away.

"Avila," I scream but she is already gone. I look back down at the book, what does she mean, does this book teach you how to do those things?

I open it up to the first page as I start reading.

It actually has a pretty good plot and I find myself starting to love the main girl lead. I'm only on chapter five when it starts getting...spicy.

"Get on your knees slut."

I clench my thighs together as I continue reading.

"Will you swallow my load like a good girl?"

I can't stop reading, I can't freaking stop reading.

"Beg for it."

"Cleo, breakfast is ready," Grace's voice breaks my trance and I quickly close the book, throwing it across the room. The sex scene in the book keeps replaying in my head,ugh.

I quickly look through my clothes drawer. Grace had asked me my size for clothes and then the next day my closet had been filled with gorgeous clothes.

I haven't been able to wear anything yet since I usually have to wear my waitress outfit so I am very excited as I dig through the clothes.

I pull out some cute jeans and a sweater. Once I put it on I admire myself in the mirror. I think I look ok, am I overdressing?

                                                  Cleo's outfit:

  It's my first day off from work since I worked over the weekend last time

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It's my first day off from work since I worked over the weekend last time. I'm so glad that I can finally relax.

Maybe me and Avila can walk around a little and hangout. I know she has been stressed out about her pregnancy lately even though she hasn't told anyone.

The least I can do is take her shopping with the little money I have since Grace gave me money for the extra hours I worked.

I walk down the stairs and all eyes shoot up to me. Avila whistles while Leo's eyes go up and down my body before going back to his food.

"You look beautiful dear," Grace says a small smile on her face.

"Thank you," I say, walking over to the open seat at the table. Grace has made eggs and toast which looks delicious.

I start eating as I look up at Leo who is sitting across from me. He is already watching me so I quickly look away, a light blush forming on my face.

"Avila, do you want to go walk around the town a little today?" Avila's face lights up as she quickly nods.

"Oh my god, I have to go get ready," She gets up from her seat and basically runs up the stairs.

I look back towards Leo who is still watching me, I bite my lip as I watch him as I imagine him as the guy in that book.

I need to stop!

"Cleo, I need to talk to you, upstairs," And with that he pushes his chair out and leaves. I look over at Grace who is sitting there pretending like she didn't hear anything.

I swallow nervously.

Why did Leo want to talk to me? 

  Why did Leo want to talk to me? 

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  I wonder what Leo wants to "talk" to her about *smirks*

  I am running out of chapter ideas! Please help me by either commenting your chapter ideas here or private message me. If I use your iea I will give you credit in these A/N :)

  I don't promise I will use all of your ideas because some might not fit the plot of the story but I will try and use as many as I can :)

  Happy Valentines Day everyone!! 

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