Chapter 10

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I wake up with a start to see Beth hovering over me with a wet cloth in her hand. Beth presses the cloth to the back of my head which I realize is throbbing.

"M-my dr-dream-" I start saying but I am cut off.

"Shhh, try and relax," She says.

"But in my dream... I saw my mom." I try to get the image out of my brain of her blooded face but I can't. I know it's ridiculous to think that a dream would be real but it still scares me.

"What did your mom do?"

"She- she didn't do anything, she was...dead." At my last word Beth's face pales. "Is she actually dead?"

Beth seems to snap out of it and shakes her head,"Of course not dear, it was just a dream." She leaves soon after but I am still scared. I know I shouldn't be scared for my mothers life since she didn't even care about mine but she is still my mother.

Had Leo knocked me out? Had I been close to finding something he didn't want me to see?

The next couple days Beth brings me food as I ask her about who knocked me out and why. She brushes my questions away and I can't help but notice that she seems a little more sad.

One day Beth comes in bringing me dinner and telling me that after I eat to follow her. I quickly eat my food wondering what Beth wants me to see. Soon I am done and I walk out of my room with Beth. She leads me down the hallway that I walked down before and opens the same door that I did. She starts walking up the steps. I am a little nervous and get a feeling that Leo doesn't want me to go up here. We reach the same door I had entered before and Beth opens it with a key.

I am about to walk in but Beth stops me with her arm.

"Before you go in I just want to let you know that Leo isn't as bad as he seems, he kills for a reason and someday I hope he will feel comfortable enough to tell you." I nod my head but I know that there is no possible excuse for killing.

Beth lets me in the room after that and I walk in unsurely. Is this all a trick to kill me? When know one attacks me when I walk through the door I relax a little.

My eyes immediately land on the picture of the women. I walk towards the picture slowly. When I am close enough to finally be able to recognize the face my heart stops.

It's my mother, Leo killed my mother. I back up my heart beating uncontrollably fast. No. No. No. No! Tears started leaking out of my eyes, my mom was always mean to me but it still hurt a lot to know she was dead. I hear the maid trying to talk to me but I can't hear her, all I see is my mothers body laying in that town in my dream. I hear my mother screaming and I run past the maid, down the steps, through the hallway, till I reach my room. Once I'm in my room I sink down onto my knees. I cover my mouth with one of my hands as I try to muffle my sobs.

Leo kneeling beside my mothers body with blood all over him as my mother took her last breath. Leo throwing a dagger at my mothers chest with a face that can only be described as boredom. The same dagger was next to her picture. Leo killed her, Leo killed my mother.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, Ihate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him,I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

Tears are still pouring out of my eyes as I get up and walk over to my bed and sit there as I try to control my breathing. I need to escape, I need to warn everyone about Leo but I doubt that will do anything. They already know he is a serial killer, they already know what he is capable of.

An idea hits, I must have been stupid not to think of this before. If Leo took me shopping again all I need to do is pass someone a note discreetly that will say we're Leo lives so they could come and destroy him and then me if they cared at all

All I need to do is get some paper from Beth.


I asked Beth if she could tell Leo that I needed to go get something from the store and she nodded her head and after I asked for paper and a pencil to doodle on she agreed without any hesitation. I wrote a note with the description of his house and then wrote a note on the bottom corner of the page, tell the king. I wondered how they would actually destroy this house but it wasn't my problem anymore once I handed some random person this note, ok maybe this plan was a little delusional and maybe I was being stupid thinking Leo wouldn't see me passing a note to a random stranger but all I could do was hope.

A knock came to the door a day later and I quickly opened it to see Leo glaring down at me. I quickly looked away as my mothers face flashed through my mind. Had the maid told him I knew? He told me to follow him and that is when my plan started.


I was back in my room after shopping, I had just grabbed a couple of random clothes and that is when I had spotted this man that looked to be glaring at Leo who was standing behind me. That's when I knew he was my target. He was looking at the soap section so I walked over there Leo trailing after me. The second I reached him I quickly slipped the note in his back pocket and I knew he noticed because he had given me a strange look but I had quickly walked away not to draw suspicion. I had grabbed a bunch of random soap bottles too which now I realized were mens soap. I just had to hope the plan worked.

It was a couple days later and I was sitting at my vanity doodling on the paper that Beth had brought me to doodle on. Even though I had only asked for the paper to write on for my plan she kept bringing more paper and at first I had just thrown it away but since I really had nothing to do I decided that I would actually use it for the reason she thought I asked it for. Even though asking for the paper had just been for a plan it did keep me busy so I didn't need to think of my mother.

All of a sudden I heard a loud bang from downstairs, it shook the whole floor of my room. I stayed frozen in place wondering if I was just hearing things. Maybe Leo had fallen through the floor but of course I couldn't let my hopes up.

BANG! Nope I was definitely not Leo falling through the floor. anything. Was it an earthquake? I stayed in my seat wondering what I should do. I heard footsteps running up the stairs and then Leo flung open my door. He looked scared for the first time and I quickly stood up. If Leo was scared that meant that something was terribly wrong. Had my dad come to save me?

BANG! "We need to go! Your family is going to blow up the whole house!"


Wattpad was acting crazy today I was scared I wasn't going to be able to post a chapter today!

  I might not be posting for a little while since I am going on holiday break but I will try my best to post a new chapter once in a while.

I will be back officially on January 3! Thank you for all the views, votes and comments! They are all appreciated!

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