Chapter 25

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 I had run to Rose again as tears had poured out of my eyes, there were screams from outside but I barely paid any attention. I covered my mouth trying to cover up the sobs that racked my body.

Avila tried to comfort me as Leo left through the front door probably to see what all the noise was. I pulled the knife slowly out of her chest as blood spilled out, there was no heartbeat because there was know heart even left.

Soon Leo had come back with blood spattered on his hands informing us that there had been guards outside but some people had decided to help take them down. He had turned to Avila and I hated the look on his face, I knew what must have happened before the words even left his mouth.

Gray was dead.

That felt like the end of everything to me, Avila had burst into tears but I couldn't comfort her cause I still needed someone to comfort me. Everyone in the inn that had been taken by the guards had been killed without a second thought. They were all dead except for us.

That night I had laid in bed by myself crying myself to sleep. Leo had slept in a different room since they were more open now. I had wanted him to stay with me, to comfort me, but he seemed to not care and I knew he probably was trying to deal with Roses and Gray's death by himself. Part of me wondered if he was even upset that Rose died and that had made me have another set of wretched sobs.

The next day we buried Roses and Gray's body. I didn't want to bury them here in this stupid city but we really had no choice. I cried at Rose's grave until darkness overtook the earth.

I hadn't seen Avila for days, sometimes I would go to her room thinking that maybe I could comfort her but once I would hear her quiet sobs I would run away fearing that she might make me cry.

Leo had come to my room telling me that we were leaving tomorrow, probably to find some other town if any even existed.

The day we left was horrible, the Rose kingdom was collapsing without their leader. I want to be a queen in people's hearts but not this kingdom. SO we left, Avila rode on a different horse some kind lady gave us who apparently thought we were a god for killing the king.

As we rode I clung to Leo's waist not letting myself cry. We had packed all the food we could up into the saddle bags that had been at the inn.

Then we started our journey away from the town and into the forest that surrounded Rose Kingdom.

Three days, No one was talking, No one was really eating.

Four days, No talking, Barely any eating, Barely any sleep.

When we did sleep it would only be a few hours and we would lay on the cold ground. One of us would always have to stay up to watch.

Five days, Crying, a lot of crying

Seven days, starting to run out of water

After nine freaking days we saw an outline of a town that had made our mood so much better. It took us what must have been hours to get there since our horses were really tired. When we finally reached the town I saw people bustling around in the early morning hours.

People looked at us strangely at first but then one kind lady came up to us asking us if we needed some water and food. We accepted right away, she had brought us to this fairly big house that was next to many other cute cottages. It was a whimsical town. Trees grew around it and the streets were all stone and the houses were beautiful. It felt like a dream, she had two men who were apparently her sons take our horses to the stables before we drowsily walked in. She gave us delicious food and water.

I thanked her so many times that I was sure she was getting tired of it. She told us there were two extra rooms if we needed a place for a while in exchange for us to work at her restaurant. We greedily agreed and she told us she would explain the jobs to us tomorrow because we all looked like we needed a good night's sleep.

That's where it leads us now, me laying in bed with Leo laying next to me. We didn't say a word to each other, we didn't mention anything about Rose or Gray, we didn't mention anything about us almost having sex. We just kept our backs facing each other as a single tear slipped out of my eye. I promised myself that this will be the start of a better life.

When I fell asleep, dreams of my father slicing Rose's throat haunted me. I would scream for him to stop every time but he wouldn't he would just smile at me wickedly as he slit her through again and again.

Then my dreams switched to my sister casting the spell as black roses emerged from her wand and my father would scream "Roses are red! Not Black! Roses are red! Not Black" The line haunted my mind when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Roses are red

  And now Ladies and Gentlemen the romance of this story really begin

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  And now Ladies and Gentlemen the romance of this story really begin. 

  Yes these first 25 chapter have kind of been the beginning and worldbuilding of this story but now I am going to really be focusing on just the romance. 

  Smut is going to be coming soon y'all!

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