Chapter 20

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The second we enter the dusty crusty inn I look around to see if I can see anyone that could be a threat but all I see and hear is the laughs from the bar as people talk and yell

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The second we enter the dusty crusty inn I look around to see if I can see anyone that could be a threat but all I see and hear is the laughs from the bar as people talk and yell. I wince at the sound of someone singing way off toon.

Rose is even covering her ears.

"No children aloud in the bar," I hear a gruff voice say.I turn to see a man probably in his late thirties looking at me and Leo with a bored expression.

"I'm James, what can I do for you?" He asks in a fake enthusiastic voice, he doesn't look too untrustworthy so I walk over Leo walking behind me.

"We were looking for a room please," I ask politely. I see James look at Rose then to Leo then to me and his brows furrow in confusion. He must recognize Leo, of course he does a part of my brain says, Leos a supposed serial killer.

"Is that your child?" He says looking at Leo.

"One room," I say annoyed, his attention comes back to me, he nods his head and gives me a key and I'm surprised that he doesn't ask us to pay. Probably because Leos giving him a death glare, I start walking up the steps that lead to the rooms.

Once I find the room I use the key to open the door into an old dusty room. It has one bed with a small table at the side of the room. There is a door that must lead to a bathroom and a window that allows you a little view of the outside. I can see storm clouds coming in and it gives me flashbacks of the last time we had been to an inn. I walk over to the bed brushing it off dust flying everywhere. Rose sneezes and I smile at her apologetically, I set her down on the bed and I flop down next to her.

The door loudly creaks as Leo closes it. I hear Leo's footsteps as he walks over to the bed and sits down gently. I close my eyes as I feel Rose snuggle into my side.

"Cleo, can I talk to you?" I open my eyes, narrowing them at Leo but nod my head. I sit up slowly but Rose grabs onto my arm stopping me.

"I will be right back," I tell her gently as I brush some of her thin blond hair out of her face. Leo starts walking to the bathroom door and I follow. He holds the door open for me as I walk in and he closes the door when he steps in.

"What are we doing?" He asks me his hands folded against his chest as he leans back on the door.

"Running for our lives is what we're doing," I whisper, not wanting Rose to hear our conversation.

"With a child? What if there's no town out there Cleo what happens then? What happens if we run out of food? What happens when we run out of water? What happens if one of us gets injured?"

"I don't know, and last time I checked I wasn't the one that wanted to flee you were and you knew all the risks."

"That was before we had a child. It probably would have been better off staying at that filthy auction place."

"It is a she and her name is Rose." I say glaring at him as I rest my hands on the sink. "And didn't you see all her wounds, they were abusing her!"

"She's not dead is she?" He asks with a raised eyebrow which makes me furious as I take a step towards him.

"How could you say that!"

"Stuff like this has been happening for years and there is nothing anyone can do about it." He takes a step towards me but I stand my ground.

"I hate you."

"Do you?" He says smirking as he takes another step towards me now towering over me. I look up at him and flashbacks of the first time we met filter through my mind.

"I truly do."

He lowers his head so his mouth is right by my ear,"I don't believe you."

His voice sends shivers down my body and then his mouth goes down onto my neck and his lips lightly brush\ where my neck meets my shoulder before he starts biting and sucking me at the same spot.

I can't help it when I let out a little moan as I grab onto his shoulders. He stops suddenly and he raises himself up to his normal height, smirking down at me.

"You're mine remember," He says brushing his hand along my cheek as he leaves and I just stand there confused until I look at myself in the mirror to see a hickey on my neck.



  Here is another chapter! This story is about to get a lot crazier so get ready! 

  Love you all!!

  If you want , click that small star up in the corner there *points off into the distance*

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