Chapter 14

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  I woke up with a start looking around to see Leo sitting on the bed looking down at me. His face is expressionless, not hinting if he is angry or sad. I quickly sit up and turn away from him , he probably wants to sleep on the bed.

"I-im sorry, I'll go sleep on the ground," I whisper as I pull the covers off of me. The ground was disgusting but I guess I would have to live with it.

"No stay," He says wrapping his arm around me and pulling me back down onto the bed with him. I squeak as my head falls back onto the pillow and he pulls me closer to him. My back is pressed against his chest and I look back at him to tell him to let go of me or I'm going to smack him senseless but his eyes are closed and I can see a smirk plastered on his face.

If I really think about it I haven't seen him smirk in a while so at least he's happy and not mad. I guess I will allow us to lay like this for one night.

Only one night.


When I wake up I turn to see that Leo is gone, I slowly get up and yawn ,stretching out my arms. I think about how it felt so good to be in Leo's arms but I need to shut that thought down right away, it was only a one night thing.

The door opens a second later to reveal Leo holding a bowl with what looks to be some kind of oatmeal in it. He walks over to me and hands me the bowl, I take it looking up at him unsurely.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I look down at the oatmeal, it looks like baby food.

"Yes, I watched them make it in the kitchens," I almost laugh imagining Leo standing there glaring at someone as they make oatmeal.

Leo hands me a spoon and I start eating only to realize that it tastes delicious,well, as delicious as oatmeal can get, or maybe it isn't delicious and I'm just starving.

"Is it good?" He asks watching me eat, I shift uncomfortably looking anywhere but him, I nod my head and out of the corner of my eye I swear I see him smile.

"Did you eat anything yet?" I ask him.

"Yeah I did." He closes the door of our room and leans his back against it crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are we going to do?" I ask. "There are probably posters hanging up everywhere with your face on them since  my father didn't find your body in the wreckage of your house. Or maybe he just thought you blew up," I finish off nervously, if I knew my father which I think I did he wouldn't think we were dead until he found our bodys.

"There are posters everywhere. Elise told me last night, we need to be careful." He was hanging out with Elise last night. I feel something strange in the pit of my stomach, am I jealous?

"You were hanging out with Elise last night?" The question sounds more angrier than I wanted it to sound and he looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

"What did you expect? I needed to "pay" her for this room," He uses air quotes around the words pay and that's when I finally understand what he means.

"That's disgusting," I mutter as I set my oatmeal bowl down on the ground since I suddenly feel the urge to vomit. If I do vomit I will make sure to try and get some on Leo.

"You know we are going to have to run away right?" He asks, completely changing the subject, thank god.

"Where is there to run?" I look out the window to see that it isn't raining like it was last night.

"The whole world isn't under your fathers  control, we can run away from this place and start a whole new life somewhere else. Somewhere that nobody knows who we are and then we can split ways and never see eachother again." I want to say yes but it sounds too easy, too simple, besides I don't want my father to rule this city after figuring out what he did to Leo's family and probably many more. I need to help all those girls that were bought, I need to save all the abused slaves.

"We need to stop my father first, do you really want him to keep ruling?"

"When we're gone it won't fucking matter, besides we're not remotely close to the castle to even kill him."

I take a shaky breath," I need to fix this town, otherwise I will feel like this," I motion around vaguely," is all my fault."

"Cleo, you don't need to fix anything, the only solution would be to kill your family and I don't think you're a killer."

"Everyone  in my family except for my sister never cared about me, they wouldn't even care if I died, so why should I care about them at all?"

He sighs looking at me seemingly defeated. Wow I actually won a fight against Leo.

"So what's your plan?" To be honest I don't have a plan but I let some random words slip out of my mouth to make it sound like I know what I'm doing.

"When the guards at the castle see me they will probably let me right through since they always thought of me as their weak little princess. Once I get in I will go to my father, then I'll have to attack him I guess unless my brothers there. My brother is a lot more capable at fighting then my father since he is younger and stronger and my father is starting to get older and weaker...and smellier," Leo laughs at my last words and I feel the corners of my mouth twitch up.

"You don't know how to fight do you?"

"I'll figure it out on the way I guess."

"I could teach you," He offers but I shake my head.

"We don't have time. It would be best if we set off today so we could get to the castle as fast as we can." He nods his head slowly and I can tell he doesn't really agree with my "plan".

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I'm going to go get our horse ready to stay here." With that he walks off leaving me thinking about how the hell I'm going to kill my father.


We are riding through town and I see posters of Leo on every single door we pass. Leo has pulled his sweatshirt hood up over his head to keep his face shadowed.

We have been riding for a while and I can see the sun setting. I wonder how long it will be until we get to the castle. I can see a faint outline of it in the distance and I involuntarily shiver.

"Are you cold?" Leo asks me, I guess he was paying more attention to me than I thought.

"No, I'm fine," I say, feeling myself beginning to nod off. When I do fall asleep I am greeted by dreams of my sister's warm embrace. 

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