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                             •Elysian Monroe•

"For the last time Eileen I am not letting you spend the night with that boy!" I yelled across the living room

"For the love of god, Elysian I'm not going to fuck him, I just wanna go and have fun!" She yelled back

"You wanna know what's going to happen? Hm?" I asked, she only crossed her arms in response.

"You're going to go and you're going to have fun for a few moments. Then guess what's gonna happen next, you're going to call me and tell me you want to be picked up and if I could hurry." I huffed out

She didn't say anything. Instead she grabbed her phone and grabbed her coat. I knew exactly what she was about to do. I jolted towards the door and stood in front of it

"Elysian, move" she spat

"You are not leaving this house." I spoke as I snatched her phone out of her hand

I quickly scanned through it. All I see is the name Jordan. I looked up at her

"Who the hell is this Jordan boy any way?" I asked, trying to ease the anger coursing through me

"Give it up already! I am so sick of this fantasy bullshit Elysian. You are not mom and you never fucking will be!" She screamed in my face as she yanked her phone back

"You know what, fine." I chuckled

I stepped away from the door and let her go

"Don't expect me to come running to save you." I spat as she pushed past me. She stopped and turned my way

"Don't expect me to call." She spoke

She turned around and ran towards the black truck that was waiting on our curb. I closed the door and peaked through the peak hole to make sure they drove off safely.

I sighed and walked to my phone, quickly unlocking it and opening our text messages. I quickly sent a text telling her that I loved her. I may be mad at her, but we made a rule to always say I love you if we leave the house mad at each other.

I placed my phone back onto the counter and walked over to my kitchen counter. I groaned when my wine glass wasn't there anymore, I forgot she poured it out and threw the glass.

At the realization, I made my way to where I kept the cleaning supplies and grabbed the broom and dustpan. I walked back into the kitchen, instantly regretting not looking down.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I looked down and saw a shard of glass in my foot

I groaned and shifted my weight to my other foot. I took a deep breath and a step back. I needed to clean this up now but I also need to deal with my foot. Clean first, foot later.

I hummed and swept up the broken glass pieces, keeping them all in one spot as I reached over and grabbed the dustpan.

I left the items where they stood and grabbed a towel off the counter and hopped over to the couch. I lifted up my foot and pulled out the glass. I threw my head back and inhaled sharply. I dropped the glass on the floor and looked at my foot. There was blood, but it wasn't bad.

  I groaned lowly, I should've grabbed a towel or something. Now I'm going to get blood all over the floor. Great.

I sat up and kept all my weight on my other foot. I hopped over to the counter. I grabbed the black towel and wrapped it around my foot. I placed it slightly shifted my weight and lowly groaned.

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