Secretly Suicidal Atsushi AU - One Shot

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(I got the idea from: / if you can't copy it then just type letter by letter :D)


|| Atsushi was secretly suicidal and he got caught by someone when he was about to commit suicide.||







No one's POV:

Atsushi Nakajima was the Armed Detective Agency's innocent tiger boy. He was always cheerful and kind. He fit in great with the agency but the problem was that he was still suffering from his trauma from the orphanage. He was always blamed for anything that happened in the orphanage, even if he didn't do anything. He felt it was always his fault when he literally did nothing wrong. It got so bad that he started experiencing hallucinations and suicidal thoughts a few months before he got kicked out of the orphanage. 

When he eventually got kicked out of the orphanage he was thinking of just dying in the river but before he went to jump in the river that was nearby him, a bandaged man was there. Atsushi decided to save him so he could be at least some use before he died. 

He saved the man but before he could go and continue his drowning attempt the man spoke. 

"Hey, Are you hungry?" asked the bandaged man.

"Oh- yeah, I am," he said sheepishly.

"Well, my name is Dazai Osamu, the one yelling over there is Kunikida Doppo. Come! It's his treat!"

"Okay, thanks..." Atsushi says unsure.

They then explain about the tiger and then they get Atsushi into the armed detective agency after the entrance exam that is. Now back to the present, Atsushi was just a pretty innocent detective in the ADA. He was known for the cinnamon roll, other than Kenji and Kyouka of course. 

But what the agency didn't know, even Ranpo and Dazai; Atsushi was suicidal. He still is. Atsushi secretly plans for how he's gonna die and in the meantime, he is still deciding who the person he will say goodbye to. He's met the port mafia a few times but the connection he has to the most is Dazai, the orphanage headmaster, and...Akutagawa. 

Atsushi was planning to die in two months. He made sure he left no unusual actions before he did. He was planning to do suicide on the same bridge that he tried to do the first time. He decided to leave 1 note for Kyouka when he committed. 

For the first month, he decided to be more kind to people. He even offered to help Dazai with his paperwork. He helped out a bit more, just engaging more in general. Kunikida doesn't think too much of it since Atsushi is normally helping out like this, but he's doing a bit more. Then another month passed. He decided to be friends with Akutagawa or at least attempt to. Then the last day comes up.

"What are you doing Jinko?" says Akutagawa.

Atsushi was just bowing his head at Akutgawa as a greeting. He did this as a nice gesture.

"I'm just saying hello to you. Is that rude to you?" says Atsushi calmly. 

"Yeah, it's fine...I guess. You just never done it before so it was a bit weird, but I don't mind Jinko." he says a bit embarrassed.

"Now let's continue that mission we were doing." says Atsushi.

"Hai," replies Akutgawa.

Atsushi Nakajima - One Shots ✨Where stories live. Discover now